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  1. С. Н. Канарейкин: «Предпринимательская деятельность служит интересам не только индивидуума, но и общества в целом» пример
    С. Н. Канарейкин, автор предложенного для рассмотрения высказывания обращается к идее сущности предпринимательства. Он говорит, что деятельность человека, связанного с предпринимательской...

  2. Friendship increases in visiting friends, but in visiting them seldom example
    There is no doubt that friendship is an integral part of every person's life. Some people think that the more often friends pay visits to each other's houses, the closer they become. However, not all...

  3. Music is something that distracts people from their daily routine пример
    Music has always been a part of people’s lives. Some people think that music disturb people from their deals, whereas others disagree with this statement. In this essay, I will analyse both sides of...

  4. Work is the most important thing in life and Some people think that to be a success you need talent; other believe that hard work can compensate for the lack of talent
    #1essay: Nowadays work plays an essential role in our life. More than half-day people spend only doing their work. However, is work the most important part of modern life? From my point of...

  5. To be healthy it is enough to eat healthy food
    There are a lot of opinions about a healthy lifestyle and food. It is really popular topic nowadays. Some people think that to be healthy you just should not to eat junk food. The others have another...

  6. Letter to Grandmother Письмо бабушке
    My dear grandmother, How are you doing? Unfortunately, I haven't received any letters or phone calls from you for a long time. I hope you're doing well. I'm fine too, but I was very busy with my...

  7. Some parents think that if there is a computer at home their children will waste much time on videogames and social networking
    Nowadays almost each family has a computer at home. Some people consider that children who have a computer spend all their time on videogames and social networking. However, others have an opposing...

  8. Death penalty is a solution to decrease the crime rate
    There is a popular opinion among people that especially dangerous criminals must be put to death for their actions. At the same time, many others believe that it is wrong to do this because it's not...

  9. Students who take gap years are more successful in their university studies
    It goes without saying that people have different opinions about situation when teenagers rest for a year before going to university. Some people believe that it is useful for self-determination....

  10. All children should learn to play a musical instrument пример
    Learning to play a musical instrument is important for each child. Some people agree with it, but others do not hold this point of view. They suppose that doing sport plays a bigger role than playing...

  11. Explanation of the idiom ''tilt at windmills' with examples
    A lot of people are interested in what the popular idiom «tilt at windmills» means. Here is a short explanation supported by examples. If we say that somebody tilts at windmills, we mean that he or...

  12. It`s more enjoyable to live in a big family. Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation
    Nowadays family relationships is one of the most popular topic for discussions. Some people consider that living in a big family is grateful. However, there are people who think differently. In my...

  13. Public libraries are becoming less popular and will soon disappear
    It is known that we become more and more dependent on technology. It applies to all aspects of our life, including reading. Some people believe public libraries will not be needed, while others claim...

  14. Legalising death penalty
    There is no doubt of legalising death penalty is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world. People still can not decide whether the capital punishment is necessary or not. My personal...

  15. 40. Sport unites people с переводом
    Nowadays our world is changing fast, and a person's lifestyle is not an exception. A man has to contact with a lot of people, so some people believe that men can be united by sport. In my essay I...

  16. Space exploration as the greatest achievement of the 20th century
    The 20th century was remarkable for its fast progress in science and technology. Some people see exploring outer space as the main accomplishment of the previous century, whereas others believe that...

  17. Some families have an only child, others choose to have two, three or even more children + письмо
    Nowadays lots of parents face difficulties, when they decide, how many kids they want to have. It is controversial. Some people think that taking care of only one child has more advantages, while...

  18. Junk Food Cool
    It is common knowledge that people all over the world know the fact that health is the most significant aspect of life. In fact, people usually claim: “You are what you eat”. I am fully convinced that...

  19. people think that extreme sports help to build character
    The problem of changing character has always been important in modern society. Some people confirm that doing extreme sports improves your character and makes it stronger while others disagree with...

  20. Improvements to the world
    [Screen]6. If you could change one important thing about your country, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. In the modern world all of us have a chance to...

  21. One shouldn’t pay too much attention to fashion пример
    One shouldn’t pay too much attention to fashion Recently there has been a heated debate whether everyone should pay little attention to fashion. The majority of people think that the vogue is...

  22. People have become too dependent on technologies
    Nowadays there are different points of view on the role of technology in humans' lives. Some people say that technology has become too important part of our existence. Others, on the contrary, claim...

  23. Work is the most important thing in life example
    There is no denying the fact that people are surrounded by many important things in their lives. Some people claim that first item should be work while others do not support this idea. From my...

  24. 40. Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad с переводом
    The theme of education has become a hot topic for debate recently. Some people are convinced that you should go abroad, but others do not agree with them. In my opinion, it is a good opportunity to...

  25. Write five questions about London
    ГДЗ по английскому языку; ainbow English; 6-й класс; Unit 2; Step 6; упр. 10; стр. 78. Из множества представленных ниже вопросов для домашней работы следует выбрать пять. Желательно, чтобы подборка...

  26. Answers to questions about the work «The Captain's Daughter» by A. S. Pushkin: Answers to questions: 1. Why did Kiribeyevich's behavior at the feast cause alarm and discontent of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich? (M. Y. Lermontov A song about Tsar Ivan
    Answers to questions about the work "The Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin: 1. What artistic means help to reveal the emotional experiences of the characters in the given scene? (acquaintance of...

  27. «Public libraries are becoming less popular»
    Some people think that public libraries are slowly becoming less popular. Their opinion may be conditioned by the fact that there are a lot of electronic books that are available almost everywhere and...

  28. It is not right to be strict with kids
    Some people believe that it is right to educate children with rigor to form their personalities correctly. However, others are convinced that it is unnecessary to put kids under pressure. I think...

  29. It has been widely discussed in recent years whether literature loses popularity among the children / Проблема падения интереса к литературе среди подростков и детей
    It has been widely discussed in recent years whether literature loses popularity among the children. Some people claim that pupils are still keen on reading fiction while others hold a different point...

  30. 40.1 Following fashion trends is a waste of time and money Верницкая
    Fashion today plays an important role in life of many people. New clothes and shoes, bags and belts, jewelry come every month. Men and women are ready to spend a lot of money to look nice and...

  31. The weather affects the way people feel and behave / эссе о погоде и ее влиянии на людей
    Nowadays, people's feelings and behaving depends on the weather. Someone believes that the weather affects the way people feel and behave while others disagree. I would like to express my own point of...

  32. Browsing the Web is harmful to youngsters
    There is no doubt that the Internet has both negative and positive influence on teenagers. Nevertheless, some people claim that it does a big deal of harm to those youngsters who browse the Web, while...

  33. 1. The problem of education 2/ The problem of education
    1. Nowadays, the problem of education is very pronounced. Some people believe that students cannot study effectively without a computer while others think that computer prevents learning. In my...

  34. 40. Reading poetry is becoming less and less important for young people nowadays пример
    There is no doubt that reading poetry is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world. Personally, I think that reading poetry is truly becoming less and less important for young people today,...

  35. It is easy to live without the Internet пример 2
    It is easy to live without the Internet. Nowadays the Internet plays an important role in all spheres. Some people consider that the Internet is really helpful. However, there are people who think...

  36. Some people say that modern TV series are better than blockbuster films and Volunteering is essential for teenagers
    #1essay: There is nothing special in the age of content that everybody likes watching something interesting and exciting including films and series: But is watching TV series better than...

  37. An early choice of the future career
    There are many controversial questions about the benefits of an early decision about the future career. Some people think that it guarantees youngsters a success while others suppose that it is not so...

  38. 40. Internet is the greatest time-waster
    Nowadays our world is changing fast, and technologies are improving too. Some people believe that the Internet is useless and wastes our time, when other disagree. In my essay I would like to consider...

  39. On-line education - good/bad // Watching YouTube videos is the best way to learn something new
    Modern technologies allow students from all over the world to study online nowadays. Many people think that online education is great while others disagree with them. I want to discuss it and show my...

  40. 40. Some people think that you can master the language only if you study it abroad, in the native speaking environment
    Some people believe that the only way of learning to speak a foreign language fluently is to study it abroad, while the others are convinced that it is also possible to master your skills in your own...

  41. Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation 2020 с учётом новых требований
    The age of technological developments has imposed new requirements on everyone. Some people claim that IT skills make you a successful employee in any area, while others disagree with them. In my...

  42. Pushing children to achieve robs them of their childhood пример
    Nowadays, people are getting more and more concerned with bringing up a children. Some people tend to believe that significant achievements in young age provide success in future. At the same time...

  43. Is it easy to be famouse?
    Many people dream of being famous. They imagine a luxurious lifestyle with no worries or problems. But is being famous so easy? Firstly, famous people are usually very rich. they do not have to...

  44. Some people think that boys and girls should study separately at different schools. Others think that they should be taught together пример
    Nowadays due to the intense struggle for gender equality and basic human rights former schools for separately boys or girls have almost disappeared. Therefore, a lot of people claim that public...

  45. Some people think that to get a good education one should abroad
    The quality of education is sharply discussed in society. Some people strongly believe that in order to get a good education, you should go studying abroad. Others believe that it does not matter in...

  46. Shopping malls are always better than small corner shops
    The issue of shopping places is relevant nowadays but still it is rather controversial. Some people claim that shopping centers are invariably better than small corner stores. Others state that...

  47. How does gender of a teacher affect educational opportunity
    Some researchers have claimed that gender of a teacher plays a role in children’s educational performance and behavioral patterns. Therefore, there is an opinion that women make better teachers than...

  48. Studying foreign languages is a waste of time and money
    It is not uncommon to hear that language skills give you a lot of advantages. However, some people claim that obtaining foreign languages is not worth spending time and money on. I support the...

  49. Ольга Святая 945-964
    945 – 964 – это период правления Ольги, супруги Игоря Рюриковича. Эта княгиня провела многие преобразования. Назову наиболее важные из них. Ольга в 945 - 946 годах упорядочил сбор дани, введя уроки –...

  50. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can teach it
    Today a lot of people know more than one language. Some people think that it is easy to teach your friends to speak a foreign language if you already know it. On the contrary, others have an opposing...

  51. It is wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer. / It is good to have sisters and brothers
    There is no doubt that reading is very important for people of all ages. Children often get reading list for holidays and think that it is useless, whereas their parents and teachers do not think so....

  52. Reading poetry is becoming less important for young people nowadays + letter
    neading habits are widely spoken nowadays. Some people think that poetry is becoming less important among youngsters, while others disagree. Let me express my point of view. In my opinion, poetry is...

  53. Robots will soon replace in all jobs
    In modern world technologies are widespread. Some people believe that machines will just replace ordinary workers on factories while others think that robots will replace all workers no matter of...

  54. Exams can motivate students to study harder пример
    Nowadays the problem of the necessity of exams has become a matter of heated debates. Some people claim that exams help pupils to study diligently, while others consider them as the most stressful...

  55. There is no doubt that almost all people use phones
    There is no doubt that almost all people use phones. Doing a project about smartphones I found an opinion poll on the subject. The purpose of my project is to analyse data on what people use their...

  56. What should filmgoers regard while looking for a film to see
    Some people think that filmgoers should rely on number of reviews while searching a good film to watch whereas others think that they should better read the comments about it before watching the film...

  57. A live music performance is always inferior to a studio recording пример
    All people have preferences in music. The most part of young people cannot live without it. Sometimes people prefer enjoying live music performances. Though a studio recording can sound better and...

  58. 39 и 40. I would rather watch travel programs on TV than travel myself
    39. Moscow Russia 16/04/18 Dear Scott, Thanks for your letter! Sorry for not answering for so long - I was very busy last month. It’s good to hear that you’re OK. In your letter you asked me if...

  59. What book formats are popular with students in Zetland nowadays?
    It is no secret that nowadays a lot of teenagers are keen on reading. Recently, I have found a fascinating table that clearly illustrates what book formats are popular among young people in Zetland....

  60. Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation example
    Nowadays the issue of computer skills can be a matter of common concern. Some people may hold the opinion that if someone wants to be a modern employee then he needs to have the ability to operate...

  61. It is cruel to keep animals in zoos пример
    Nowadays, when the problem of the cruelty towards animals in zoological gardens has become a matter of heated debates, some people suppose that zoos are appropriate places for beasts to live. Still,...

  62. Childhood is the safest period of human life. during the formation of a person
    It is generally suggested that being an infant is the most secure and harmless part in a human life cycle. However, some scientists do not agree with this statement and support the opposite point of...

  63. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter ответ
    Some people claim that if you speak a foreign language fluently you can work as an interpreter without any difficulties. Others think that being fluent in a foreign language is the opposite of working...

  64. 1. Physical Activity Reduces Stress 2. Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills
    1. Everyone face with challenging situations per day. Some people claim that exercising can help to relieve the stress received from bad experience, while others do not believe in it. In this essay I...

  65. 40. The best things in life are free пример
    There are a lot of things that make us happy. Some people believe that these things are free, but others do not agree with it. In my opinion, things which increase our happiness are truly free....

  66. Following fashion trends is a waste of time and money. эссе
    People has always argued about fashion. Some of them try to follow fashion trends, while others are convinced that following fashion is meaningless. In my opinion, following fashion takes too much...

  67. 40. A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer
    The theme of studying with the computer has become a hot topic for debate recently. Some people think that the computer is an important thing in education, but others do not agree with that. In my...

  68. the best time that spent with family and friends / sport unites people
    1. Nowadays, the problem of friends and family is very pronounced. Some people believe that the best time that spent with family and friends while others think that the best time that spent...

  69. With the Internet we no longer need TV с переводом
    Our world is changing fast, and mass media are not an exception. Some people believe that we do not need TV because of the Internet, while others disagree. In my view, nowadays the Internet has...

  70. Virtual Int communication results in losing real-life social skills
    Nowadays, Virtual communication is a significant part of our life. Some people think that Virtual Internet communication has a negative impact on real-life social skills. Other people believe that...

  71. Fast food/ Easy-to-prepare food has improved the way people live
    Nowadays more and more people tend to eat easy-to-prepare food because of the rapid pace of life. Some of them think that fast food ( intermediate food) has changed their lives for the better, whereas...

  72. Usability principles for video game design (literature review)
    Video games demand constant dialogue with a user so game designers must pay careful attention to usability issues. Neglecting these issues has an adverse effect on the general quality and success of a...

  73. Human cloning experiment should not be controlled by the government
    Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about cloning experiments. Some people think that the government should control it, while others disagree with them. Let us consider different...

  74. Education is the most valuable thing for teenagers
    It is common knowledge that education takes up a fairly large part of people's lives nowadays . Some people tend to think that the acquisition of knowledges is one of the most significant thing for...

  75. Following fashion trends is a waste of time and money example
    Comment on the following statement: Following fashion trends is a waste of time and money What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following...

  76. 40.2 Nowadays there is a commonly spread stereotype that tobacco, wine and gambling destroy people’s life greatly
    Some people claim that it have the most negative impact on people’s life while others disagree with that idea. From my point of view, there are much more harmful factors that ruin a person's...

  77. Internet is the greatest time-waster пример
    The role of the internet in our life has been increasing rapidly since the beginning of the century. Many people say that the internet has become a big time-waster while others think differently. In...

  78. Expand on cultural distinctions that may influence communication in a global team
    To begin with, if we take a journey around the world, we will definitely and obviously encounter various nations, unique customs and traditions. However, there are certain features between...

  79. Central parts of big cities should be closed to private transport example пример
    Central parts of big cities should be closed to private transport. Nowadays some people are sure that city centers should be free from private transport, while others have different point of view. In...

  80. Some parents think that if there is a computer at home their children will waste much of their time on video games and social networking
    Nowadays, the problem of a computer impact on children causes a great discussion and controversy. Some people consider that if children have a computer at home, they will spend a lot of time playing...

  81. the internet is the biggest evil in our life
    Nowadays the internet is becoming more and more necessary. Some people believe that there are many opportunities having been opened due to the internet. However, others suppose that the internet is...

  82. Students should study only the subjects they choose
    Nowadays there are a lot of disputes about school lessons. The attitude to them is different. There are two opposite points of view. Some people believe that the pupils in high school should have an...

  83. Some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money (example)
    There is no denying the fact that learning foreign languages is becoming more and more popular among youth. Some people claim that it is useless to spend time for studying foreign languages. Others...

  84. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can work as an interpreter пример
    Nowadays the problem of making career as an interpreter causes great argument and controversy. Some people think that someone who knows foreign language can work as a translator without any difficulty...

  85. Digital literacy is the key to success in every occupation
    There is no doubt that the influence of modern technologies on its users has greatly increased in recent years. Nevertheless, there are people who claim that it is hardly possible to succeed in any...

  86. It is better to go to university far away from your home-town than to continue living with your parents
    Entering university is an important part of everybody's life. However, many people face a problem of choosing the location of the university. Many people believe it is more beneficial to keep living...

  87. Some students think that the most important thing for a teacher is to make studying enjoyable for students
    Being a teacher is one of the most difficult jobs. It requires a lot of abilities like communication skills as well as knowledge of physiology. Some people think that the main aim of teachers is to...

  88. The Internet is the greatest time-waster с переводом
    Nowadays people are spending a lot of time on the Internet. Some people think that the Internet is necessary in the modern world and it is fine to use it as much as you want to while others claim that...

  89. Modern TV series are better than blockbuster films. 
    Nowadays there is an opinion that blockbusters are worse than modern serials. Whereas others disagree and think that movies are much better than TV series.   From my point of view, modern TV series...

  90. Languages — the world of good for me
    Nowadays, many people are learning foreign languages. I think every educated person should know at least one foreign language and today it is desirable to know English, because it is the language of...

  91. Reading fiction
    There is no doubt that reading fiction is becoming less and less popular with teenagers. Unfortunately I have to agree with this point of view. Teenagers prefer watching film adaptations instead of...

  92. It’s important to do sports regularly rather than watch sporting event on TV
    Sports is an important part of our lives. Some people think that it is significant to spend a lot of time doing sports while other people suppose that it does not matter so much so it is better to...

  93. Роботизация (Discursive essay)
    Nowadays, the issue of the possibility of replacing a human by robot causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that the automating of the society's life will bring many advantages and...

  94. How do become a great student. What is the secret of being a good student? Секреты успешной учебы сочинение на английском
    Nowadays we live in a world of social Media. Many brilliant students show their efficient, sometimes even ideal university life in their blogs. Some of them make posts on Instagram with top 10 advice...

  95. Some students believe that homework should be optional\опциональность домашней работы для школьников
    School education is a discussed topic nowadays. Someone claims that exercises for homework should be optional while others disagree. I would like to express my point of view on this issue.  In my...

  96. Display of contemporary art objects in public areas
    Nowadays, people are increasingly noticing the display of contemporary art objects in public areas. Some people think it helps to develop taste and educate people, while others think about the...

  97. 39 и 40. In the future the world will need a alternative to fossil fuels
    Moscow Russia August 7th, 2020 Dear Polly, Thanks for your letter! Sorry for not being in touch for so long - I was really busy this month. In your letter you asked me if I had some ideas about...

  98. Some people think that young people should follow in their parents' footsteps when choosing a profession example
    Many people often claim that teenagers should focus on parents’ experience while choosing their future career, while other people think in completely different way. Let us speculate on this...

  99. To be healthy, it is enough to eat healthy food + письмо
    1. "I can’t believe it you managed to find a summer job at an amusement park. It’s just a chance of a lifetime. You’ll be able to try out all the attractions there and I’m sure you won’t have to queue...

  100. It’s always best to wear a business suit when you have an interview for a job
    Nowadays there are different points of view on wearing a business suit during having an interview for a job. Some people think it's better to wear a classical clothes to increase chances in getting a...

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