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Reading poetry is becoming less important for young people nowadays + letter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

neading habits are widely spoken nowadays. Some people think that poetry is becoming less important among youngsters, while others disagree. Let me express my point of view.

In my opinion, poetry is really less read nowadays. Firstly, the majority of modern youngsters doesn’t like reading poetry at all, because teens consider it to be dull and uninteresting. Secondly, young generation has lots of other interests and things to do. For example, teens prefer watching TV, listening to music or playing videogames instead of reading.

However, there are people who are sure that modern youngsters are still really interested in reading, especially poetry. Such people are convinced that teens even write songs by themselves when they have free time.

I strongly disagree with this point of view because nowadays teens have many other things to do.

It happens because of modern pace of life which dictates its own rules. I mean there is a plenty of other cultural genres which attract youngsters nowadays, like rap, breakdance or rock.

To sum up, I should say that nowadays poetry is becoming less and less popular nowadays among young people. The main reason of this tendency is a wide choice of other hobbies for teens.




November 26

Dear Harry,

Thank you for your letter. I was glad to hear from you again.

Well, you asked me about football. So, I should say that I am not a great football fan, but if it’s an important world’s championship, I would certainly enjoy a couple of matches on TV. As for my lovely sports, oh, it is, of course, skating. I find this kind of sport very graceful and exciting. I never miss a chance to go to skating ring with friends.

So, how many trainings before the match do you usually have? Do you follow a special diet before the match? Are you excited about your upcoming championship?

Sorry, I have to go now. Keep in touch.

Take care,



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