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What should filmgoers regard while looking for a film to see (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that filmgoers should rely on number of reviews while searching a good film to watch whereas others think that they should better read the comments about it before watching the film itself.

As for me, those who want to choose a good movie to go to should initially watch the comments and recensions for it. Firstly, it helps a person to obtain some clues about the film and decide whether to watch it or not.

Secondly, it might save your free time — if you know that the film is utter trash, you would not waste your time watching it and thus torturing yourself. Finally, such policy makes you more precise and provides you more comfortable way to spend your time.

However, there is also another opinion which is concluded in that you should firstly look at the number of reviews and then make your decision regarding on that. The first reason for this opinion is that a big amount of people have a lot in common when it comes to the matter of taste, so many of them watch the same or similar movies. The final reason is that there are many films made for wide consumption, which refers to such anthologies as «Rambo» in twentieth century or «Avengers» nowadays, so they often have lots of reviews.

Anyways, I still think that people should initially check out the comments and recension sections before starting to watch the film.

To conclude everything I would like to emphasize that the main factor people should regard of is not the amount of reviews and likes, but the comments and recensions left by users.


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