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Answers to questions about the work «The Captain's Daughter» by A. S. Pushkin: Answers to questions: 1. Why did Kiribeyevich's behavior at the feast cause alarm and discontent of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich? (M. Y. Lermontov A song about Tsar Ivan (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Answers to questions about the work "The Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin:

1. What artistic means help to reveal the emotional experiences of the characters in the given scene? (acquaintance of Grinev with Maria Ivanovna). 2. What personality traits of Grinev are manifested in the above episode? (acquaintance of Grinev with Maria Ivanovna).

1. To convey the mood and reveal the emotional experiences of the characters, the author uses artistic means of language.

So, with the help of the personification "my thoughts were worried" Pushkin speaks about the variety of feelings that pursued Grinev at the sight of Maria Ivanovna. Epithets: "angelic voice", "hot and fresh kiss", "sweet feeling" - convey the mental state of the hero, help to reveal all the shades of love experiences. The metaphor "fire ran over me" serves the same purpose. Consequently, thanks to the expressive means of language, the emotional experiences of the hero become explicit, open, activate the process of perception.

2. Pyotr Grinev is the main character of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter". In the above episode, you can trace the personality traits of Grinev. He is shown at the moment of recovery after a duel, and then when he asks for Marya Ivanovna's hand. Peter Andreevich's behavior shows the best human traits: nobility, kindness, openness, respect for parents.

Thus, Grinev Jr. is shown by the author as a person with a pure and open soul.

Answers to questions: 1. Why did Kiribeyevich's behavior at the feast cause alarm and discontent of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich? (M. Y. Lermontov "A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and a daring merchant Kalashnikov") 2. What is the sea element in this poem? (F. I. Tyutchev "You, my sea wave. . . "). 3. Compare the poem by F. I. Tyutchev "You, my sea wave. . . " with the poem below "How good you are, about the night sea. . . " by the same author. What brings the lyrical heroes of these poems together?

1. In the above episode from M. Y. Lermontov's poem "The Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and a dashing merchant Kalashnikov", an opportunity is given to consider Kiribeyevich's behavior at the tsar's feast. It was on him that the behavior of the oprichnik caused alarm and discontent of the Orthodox tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, since the "dashing fighter" "did not wet his mustache in a golden bucket" while others "drank, glorified the tsar. " Kiribeyevich is one of the tsar's favorite oprichniks. He repeatedly proved his loyalty to the tsar, showed prowess and courage – the first reason for the tsar's anxiety. The second is the tsar's suspicions of a secret, "unholy duma" and the envy of a servant. Thus, the faithful oprichnik did not rejoice and was not praised, along with others, at the royal feast, which led to the alarm of the sovereign.

2. F. I. Tyutchev's poems about the fascinating beauty of

ussian nature. In this poem, the sea element - wave appears as a living being: "resting or playing, you are full of wonderful life!"; "you laugh"; "you are restless and struggling"; "quiet whisper"; "violent murmur"; "your prophetic moans"; "I buried my soul, my soul alive at your bottom. " The author unites the lyrical hero with the natural world in order to achieve unity.

Thus, the "wayward wave" in the poem plays the role of a living being capable of laughing, enjoying life and loving.

3. In F. I. Tyutchev's poems "You, my sea wave. . . " and "How well you are, about the night sea. . . " there is something that brings the lyrical heroes together. Namely, this is a common, main theme - man and the natural element: "The sea is bathed in dim radiance, how well you are in the solitude of the night. . . "; "You, my sea wave, wayward wave. . . ". A common sea element that unites the heroes: the wave and the sea. Tyutchev's lyrical hero is part of the natural world. They are also brought together by the motive to make the water elements alive, to endow them with a "living soul": ". . . In the moonlight, like a living thing, it walks, and breathes, and it shines. . . "; "I have buried my soul, my living soul, at your bottom. "

Consequently, these poems contain a lot of things that would bring Tyutchev's lyrical heroes closer together and make them similar.


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