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Public libraries are becoming less popular and will soon disappear (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is known that we become more and more dependent on technology. It applies to all aspects of our life, including reading. Some people believe public libraries will not be needed, while others claim that e-books will never replace paper ones. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

I would like to start with looking upon arguments for the disappearance of libraries. The first thing to be considered is a fact that almost everyone uses the Internet. We can find any literature through the web, and we do not need to go to a special place to get a book. Secondly, we should save trees, and in this case e - books are a good substitute for paper ones. Moreover, there are audiobooks which you can listen to while doing other things.

However, there are people who might not agree with me. There are people, who appreciate the romantic pleasure of turning pages and visiting libraries. What’s more, some researchers believe that a brain gets information from a sheet of paper better than from a screen.

I think I cannot agree with this point of view. When I need to do a study project, I search for literature in a couple of clicks, not a few hours in the library. The human brain can adapt to any method of obtaining information.

All the things considered, modern technologies allow you to isolate any information in a couple of seconds, so e-books can't replace paper books completely, but public libraries are about to disappear because a number of people, who usually go there, is becoming less and less.


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