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A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter ответ (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people claim that if you speak a foreign language fluently you can work as an interpreter without any difficulties. Others think that being fluent in a foreign language is the opposite of working as an interpreter.

In my opinion, if a person speaks a foreign language fluently, he or she will not be able to work as an interpreter. Firstly, a person should have special qualities and skills to do his or her job well. A person should be attentive and accurate. Secondly, if a person speaks a foreign language fluently he or she studies this language without any word from a native language instead of translating words from a native language to a foreign one.

However, some people believe that if you know a foreign language and speak it fluently you can work as an interpreter well.

In their view, when a person speaks a foreign language fluently he or she knows what the word means in a native language, and then a person can translate to a native language what he or she said.

Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. I am convinced that learning English by using words from your native language is a waste of time. A person should understand foreign words like a native speaker do.

In conclusion, I believe that a person cannot work as an interpreter if he or she speaks a foreign language well. If you want to become an interpreter you should translate every word using your foreign-native dictionary.


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