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There is no doubt that almost all people use phones (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that almost all people use phones. Doing a project about smartphones I found an opinion poll on the subject. The purpose of my project is to analyse data on what people use their smartphones for.

As we can see, most people use their smartphones for such purposes as email-79% and making phone calls-78%. They are the most popular because the percentage of these actions is very high and difference of them is 1%. In my opinion, a lot of people who use smartphone sometimes need to call someone or to send email for work.

According to the data in the table, playing games and paying for purchases gained the least percentage, there is a considerable difference in 33% among users. Playing games is preferred by 48% of interviewed users and only 15% use smartphone to pay for purchases.

Another important thing to mention is that playing games is less popular among users than surfing the internet. That means that people prefer finding information to spending time on unnecessary games.

One problem that can be connected with using smartphones is the high percentage of people, who use smartphones to play games. In most cases, playing distracts people from being productive and energised. However, there is a possible solution to this problem. It is to educate people on the topic of harmful influence of games. It can help people to understand that gaming can become an addiction.

In conclusion, in my opinion, the role of smartphones in our life is very important. Smartphones help users to connect with each other, using phone calls or internet.

esides, people can find any information in their phones with the internet.

279 words


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