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Pushing children to achieve robs them of their childhood пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, people are getting more and more concerned with bringing up a children. Some people tend to believe that significant achievements in young age provide success in future. At the same time other consider that such way of raising children can steal their happiness in the childhood.

From my perspective, pushing children to achieve is harmful for them and there are some reasons to support my view. Firstly, childhood is one of the most memorable and exciting parts of our life. In the young age children develop their skill during communicating with friends and studying at school. Moreover, parents influence many hobbies and desires of children. This leads to the fact that children cannot express their interests and, in a result, it has a negative impact on their future.

Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion. The vast majority of people consider that parents should teach children how to achieve goals in young age because it makes them organized and disciplined. Thus, it is a common knowledge that childhood is time of opportunities from which you need to get benefits as much as possible.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot agree with it completely because teenagers will have enough time to become a successful person when they will grow up. Children should balance between developing skills and enjoying their childhood.

To sum up, I still believe that pushing children to achieve can even be a harmful way of growing up.


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