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It is cruel to keep animals in zoos пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, when the problem of the cruelty towards animals in zoological gardens has become a matter of heated debates, some people suppose that zoos are appropriate places for beasts to live. Still, others consider that such wildlife parks are known for its injustice and violence towards creatures.

To my mind, animals should be allowed to live in their natural habitats. First and foremost, captivated animals are separated from their indigenous environment and packs that leads to severe stress and even to deaths of beasts. In addition, some endangered species cannot reproduce, because they are preyed on and placed in different parts of the world to entertain people in zoos. What is more, zookeepers treat to creatures with malice and do not respect their rights for living.

However, opponents of this point of view think that keeping animals in zoological gardens is the best option for them.

According to this perspective, beasts are treated with care and affection and protected from nature calamities and dominant animals in wildlife parks. Moreover, they are provided with necessary food, vitamins and medical supplies there.

Nevertheless, these arguments do not sound reasonable enough due to the following logical assumptions. Generally, deprivation of natural habitats is the cruelest measure towards beasts, because it is done by force. Besides, zoos restrict the freedom of animals and limit their opportunities which they have in habitats.

In conclusion, although opinions may differ, I am sure that keeping animals behind bars is brutal. In my opinion, people should create nature reserves, where wild beasts will be able to live in their natural environment.

(263 words)


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