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People have become too dependent on technologies (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are different points of view on the role of technology in humans' lives. Some people say that technology has become too important part of our existence. Others, on the contrary, claim that automation and computerization are not so spread in society. Let me express my own opinion.

To my mind, technology has penetrated all spheres of humans' life. Firstly, they make our existence easier. Every day we use phones and computers to communicate with people and rely on special machines and equipment to cook food, tidy up or enjoy our time and relax. Moreover, there are such big electronic systems that we cannot live without like the Internet and state's financial system that are based on computers.

If someone hacks them, panic and chaos may begin.

However, there are people who have the opposing opinion. They believe that we still do many things without any technologies. For those people who live in the countryside it is true. They work hard and make a comfort in their lives with their hands. Also people in poor countries do not have access to the high technologies.

Nevertheless, I disagree with this statements. Our life would be difficult without technology. We would not have enough time to do hobbies, enjoy our time and relax. Computers, machines, devices increase the standard of living. Moreover, those people who do not use technologies now try to get access to them.

In conclusion, I would like to say that technology should be not the aim, but the way to the happy and comfortable life. We have to use it correctly and not obey technology.


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