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Legalising death penalty (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt of legalising death penalty is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world.

People still can not decide whether the capital punishment is necessary or not.

My personal view is that crime must be punished, but the judgment should not be the capital punishment. To begin with, all types of execution are real murders. A person should not be subjected to excruciating torture like crucifixion, guillotine or beheading regardless of what they have done. Furthermore, people tend to make mistakes. Experts say that there are many cases, where an innocent person is convicted. And finally, life imprisonment is an even more grievous punishment than death penalty because felons are forced to feel remorse for their actions for the rest of their lives.

But there are still supporters of death penalty.

They believe that under fear of capital punishment, people are less likely to commit crimes. In the countries, where death penalty is legal, the crime rate is significantly lower.

I completely disagree with this statement because I think that we should not be like criminals and take responsibility for someone’s life, no matter what it is, even if it may decrease the amount of future crimes.

All in all, I still strongly believe that prison will give criminals time to reflect on the past and we would not need to resort to the death penalty.


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