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It is easy to live without the Internet пример 2 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is easy to live without the Internet.

Nowadays the Internet plays an important role in all spheres. Some people consider that the Internet is really helpful. However, there are people who think differently.

In my opinion, it is hard to imagine modern life without a worldwide network. Firstly, thanks to the Internet we can easily find needed information. It really helps in studying, working and other occupations. Secondly, the Internet gives us opportunity to communicate from a distance. Therefore, people from all over the world can share their interests, culture features and etc. Thirdly, there are many new professions on the Internet. For instance, blogger, programmer, web-designer.

Also, there are many remote professions.

All the same, some people think have another opinion. They say that the Internet has negative influence. There are many bad comments and negative information. In addition, there is too much fake information on the Internet.

Nevertheless, I would not agree with the opinion above. I think that it is easy to avoid fake and negative information. Moreover, if you filter information, you will never have problems with negative influence.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that that using the Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. I still believe that It is easier to live with the Internet then without it.


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