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What book formats are popular with students in Zetland nowadays? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is no secret that nowadays a lot of teenagers are keen on reading.

Recently, I have found a fascinating table that clearly illustrates what book formats are popular among young people in Zetland. In my essay I am going to analyze this data.

As can be noticed from the graph, the majority of teen readers (35 per cent) prefer electronic books only, which makes this format the most attractive. Less percentage of the surveyed (28 per cent) voted for reading the both paper books and e-books. However, only the 10 per cent of the participants are into reading only paper books, which puts this format at the bottom of the table.

Further analyses of the data reveals that listening to audiobooks only (12 per cent) seems less attractive to teenagers, with comparison to using the two most trendy book formats. That fact may prove the idea that people are more likely to be disturbed while listening to an audiobook rather than while reading a paper or an electronic book.

The graph can also outline some problems that may be connected with reading. For instance, choosing a book can be confusing and a tough decision to make for many teen readers.

A good solution will be to read the bestseller lists published in the news papers or on social media.

In conclusion, although young readers may face some problems, I am convinced that reading books using any possible formats improves our imagination and creativity. Moreover, reading books is essential for broadening our horizons.


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