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Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the issue of computer skills can be a matter of common concern. Some people may hold the opinion that if someone wants to be a modern employee then he needs to have the ability to operate technical devices. Others believe that there are many other qualities which are more important for employee. For example responsibility and communication skills. In this essay I am going to give my thoughts on this topic.

To my mind, it is actual now to have basic computer usage skills. Firstly, all the laburer even the kindergarten teachers have to write reports and find useful presentations in the Internet. Secondly, thanks to social media a worker can do a good advertisement for his service.

On the other hand, some people are sure that digital skills have no influence on one's success in a career.

They claim that creative occupations like an actor, an artist or a singer are not connected with computer. Opponents also say that for employers one's resume, experience and education is more important than the ability of working on a computer.

Despite my regard to these opinions I cannot share them. For people who have creative jobs being digital literate is not the obligation but social network as Instagram helps millions of persons to become famous. Moreover, in todays world there are many accounts not only of public persons but also of teachers and coaches who promote their business and it noticeably increases their chances of success.

Though there are two different points of view on the problem. I still think that the ability to operate technical devices is a valuable element of a career today.


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