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It`s more enjoyable to live in a big family. Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays family relationships is one of the most popular topic for discussions. Some people consider that living in a big family is grateful. However, there are people who think differently.

In my opinion, living in a huge family has a lot of pluses. Firstly, when children grow up in a big family, they become more communicative and sociable. They get different skills which they can easily use in an adulthood. For instance, children from the large families are less selfish because they got used to sharing things with their brothers and sisters.

Secondly, it is fun to live in a big family. Members of such families never get bored because there is always someone to talk to and spend time together.

All the same, some people consider that living in a huge family is annoying. In their opinion, there are always hustle, bustle and quarrels.

Nevertheless, I would not agree with the opinion above. I think it is not hard to build a friendly and peaceful atmosphere in a big family. The most important for it is all family members’s efforts.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say, that living in a large family is enjoyable. There might be some difficulties in growing up a lot of children, but I think all the problems can be solved.

Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation.

Nowadays, the Internet and the computer technologies play an important role in all spheres. Some people consider that computer skills can help to achieve successful career. However, there are people who think differently.

In my opinion, digital literacy is very important. Firstly, computers are used in almost all occupations. Secondly, employees who have knowledge of the IT sector earn much more than the rest. Thirdly, having the computer skills can give you an opportunity for remote working.

All the same, some people have another opinion. They say that there are many professions which are not connected with computers. For instance, artists, musicians or dancers.

Nevertheless, I would not agree with the opinion above. If your occupation does not need digital literacy, you can still use computer technologies. For example, you can create a web-site with your works or use social networks to find followers.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that it is up to you to improve your computer skills or not. Nonetheless, I still believe that digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation.


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