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Expand on cultural distinctions that may influence communication in a global team (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

To begin with, if we take a journey around the world, we will definitely and obviously encounter various nations, unique customs and traditions. However, there are certain features between civilization leading to, sometimes significant, distinctions in the style of social interaction able to influence and complicate communication in a multinational team. This essay will discuss such barriers, which may spoil the productive conversation between members of different cultures.

Primarily, a person may belong to a certain type of culture, team-focused or individual-focused, assuming differences in what is more valued by the community – personal contribution, success in former and care, enhancing overall well-being in latter. For instance, given that the American dream is initially absolutely egocentric when my aunt was trying her best to stand for the interests of the whole group, the most members of which were American, it just caused ridicule and misunderstanding preventing the team from achieving high results. Secondly, since each person largely depends on the type of culture he/she belongs to, the way of communication can vary from direct to indirect one.

The first style assumes message transmissions straightforwardly, bluntly, having the receiver in front of a speaker, while the second stays for using subtle cues, body language, escaping formulating your request or statement too openly especially in the public. Thus, when a person is unable to identify the type of culture the speaker belongs to due to a lack of knowledge of mentioned features, it will prevent the transmitter to use the right manners, making his/her partner angry, confused or ashamed and spoiling the whole conversation.

To conclude, although cultural distinctions contribute to diversity and soleness of our world, they may at the same time become a serious obstacle on the profound way to establish rapport between members of a global team such as different settings of giving a pitch and whether the main emphasis is on a personality or collective.


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