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Improvements to the world (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

First of all, I think that by improving the government it will probably be possible to improve the way we live, little by little. It will be good to run away from the magic circle of similar events and presidents that cause them to happen. For example, if we bring small cities closer to the centre, it will be easier to change the way people live and make more cheerful events to happen there.

Secondly, it is claimed to be important for use to be tolerant and democratic. However, nobody clearly understands what it means.

Besides, there are different types of democracy and, because most of us dislike the one that is used nowadays, it will be good to share knowledge about other types. If I had the possibility to do so, this will be the first thing I will do, though it sounds a little strange for a usual student like me to claim.

Thirdly, I would like to change the situation with education, but it sounds too ambitious to change everything.

I would just make some little changes in small and poor regions, make them look more impressive and rich, so the school program will also change on the way.

Of course, there is a wonderful saying that claims that if you want to change the world, you should first change yourself“. However, if you are given a chance to do something for your society, why not try ? Even a small improvement may be useful.

In conclusion I would like to say that if all clever people were given a chance to realise their views on the way life must go in their country, a world would have either turned into a chaos or have become a wonderful place to live. I think that if I was somehow given a chance, I would have valued it my entire life. It really gives sense for your existence in this world, raises self-esteem and makes you a happier person. Not in my country, though.


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