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Fast food/ Easy-to-prepare food has improved the way people live (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays more and more people tend to eat easy-to-prepare food because of the rapid pace of life. Some of them think that fast food ( intermediate food) has changed their lives for the better, whereas others claim that such food has not brought any considerable benefits to their life.

In my opinion, fast food has dramatically upgraded people’s lifestyles. To start with, preparing semi-finished food, people save a lot of time and effort. Thus, a person can spend more time on their work, hobbies and entertainment. What is more, fast food is much cheaper than organic food, so everyone can afford to buy it. In addition, easy-to-prepare food has a high nutritional value which immediately satisfies one’s hunger and provides a person with energy for the whole day.

However, the opponents argue that semi-finished food has not made the way people live better.

They say that fast food harms people’s health as it consists of fats and carbohydrates that can cause serious diseases such as obesity or an eating disorder. Furthermore, consuming easy-to-prepare meals rich in sugar and salt can cause addiction.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. Actually, advanced technologies of freezing semi-finished products make it possible to keep all beneficial elements included in it.

esides, if a person eats fast food within reasonable limits and not on a daily basis, they will not be addicted to it.

In conclusion, I still strongly believe that easy-to-prepare food has brought lots of profits to a people’s way of life. Personally, I prefer to eat semi-finished food when I am in a hurry but do it sometimes.


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