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On-line education - good/bad // Watching YouTube videos is the best way to learn something new (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Modern technologies allow students from all over the world to study online nowadays. Many people think that online education is great while others disagree with them. I want to discuss it and show my point of view.

In my opinion, online education is a good alternative to traditional education because it has many benefits both for students and their teachers. Firstly, this kind of education give students opportunity to study at any place and anytime. There are millions of students who cannot go to school because of their health problems or anxiety. Online education allows them to study in a safe environment. Secondly, online education is a great chance for students who have work or extracurricular activities such as sport, art or music. These students can spend more time doing what they actually like and study when it is convenient for them.

On the other side, some people believe that online education is worse than a traditional one because children and teenagers do not learn how to communicate with people or be in a formal atmosphere.

Due to this, they do not acquire necessary social skills for life in society.

I do not agree with the opposing opinion because students have to follow rules even if they study online and that is why they still learn how to behave in formal situations. Moreover, children and teenagers can find friends online or in their extracurricular clubs.

In conclusion, online education is a new form of studying which has many advantages over traditional education. I think that it is a good alternative for studying at ordinary school.

YouTube is a very popular social platform nowadays where people can find millions of videos and upload their own creations. Many people believe that there is no better option for us to use for learning something new and unusual while others strongly disagree with them. I want to discuss it and show my point of view.

In my opinion, YouTube is the best platform for learning because it has many different advantages. Firstly, YouTube is a free website where people from all over the world can find videos in different language and about various topics. It is accessible for anyone who has an Internet connection and does not require any subscription. Secondly, if you want to start learning something then YouTube is the way to go because it gives you a wide variety of choices. You will find thousands of videos explaining something in a simple way from different creators.

On the other side, some people say that they do not use YouTube for learning because people who shoot these videos usually aren’t professionals and they do not trust them.

As for me, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because this platform becomes more and more popular each year. Many professionals and even famous people start uploading videos. So, it is easy to find a trustworthy channel there if you do some research.

In conclusion, I think Youtube is a platform that gives people an opportunity to learn, watch and entertain yourself without any payment. It is the most convenient way of learning something new.


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