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Work is the most important thing in life and Some people think that to be a success you need talent; other believe that hard work can compensate for the lack of talent (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


Nowadays work plays an essential role in our life. More than half-day people spend only doing their work. However, is work the most important part of modern life?

From my point of view, work is quite far from being the most important thing in our life. Firstly, work is simply a tool for earning money, but they do not make your life happy. They don not afford you to have good relations with your friends, make somebody loving you or create a strong family. Secondly, hard and enduring work can be harmful to your health. Do you want to earn a lot of money but be absolutely exhausted and old ahead of time?

However, there are people believing that work is the most important thing in our life. According to their opinion, work is a way for many people to show their talents, accomplish their the most ambitious plans and improve existing skills.

Also, work help people to meet a lot of new and interesting people.

I respect another point of view, but I consider that people can learn new things and improve their skill not only doing work. Life is the best of teachers. And much more courageous and great people you can meet just live your life to the fullest not limited by only work meetings.

To sum up, people should work to provide their families with good conditions of living. But there are a lot of things which are far greater than work in our life. And every person should pay careful attention exactly to these things which make him happier, more joyful and grateful.


Success – is the most desired purpose of every people around the world. Some calls talent the key element of success others think that hard work is a secret recipe. But what do you need to become successful?

From my point of view, hard work is a key element in achieving every goal you want to accomplish. Firstly, due to the hard work, you can develop every skill you want and it does not matter what capabilities people have. Secondly, hard-working people become quite often successful than people who have the only talent. Hard-working people do more work, improve their skills and knowledge becoming closer to their success while talented people do nothing.

However, some people believe that talent is the only weapon in the achieving of success. Nature defines who’ll be successful and these the lucky ones are got talent. Talent gives you the necessary opportunities and signs to become successful. If you haven’t a talent you haven’t these abilities then you’re doomed to failure.

But I believe it’s a wrong vision. Success is a sum of small efforts repeated every day. These efforts make us closer to our goals and only hard work allow us to accomplish them daily. Talent doesn’t give us such an opportunity, because it’s the same skill which is just more developed.

To sum up, worth saying again even if you have a talent you need to do hard work to master your skills to become successful. One wise man said that hard work beats talent!


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