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39 и 40. In the future the world will need a alternative to fossil fuels (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)



August 7th, 2020

Dear Polly,

Thanks for your letter! Sorry for not being in touch for so long - I was really busy this month.

In your letter you asked me if I had some ideas about your problem with waking up. I think it can be a result of a lack of sleep. Also wrong settings of morning clock can cause a lot of stress. I know it’s very frustrating because I had such problem too. To cope with it I suggest you to sleep 8 hours a day and don’t stay up late.

By the way, how your friend’s birthday went? Where did you party? What present did you give him?

ut I’ve got to go now! It’s time for the evening walk with my dog.

I hope to hear from you soon.




The amount of the consumption of fossil fuels grows bigger every year and it becomes a serious problem. Humanity must seek an alternative.

I personally think that if our civilization find a way to produce fuel from untraditional sources it would be the best solution for the upcoming crisis. Firstly, raw material processing harms the ecological situation on our planet. The canceling of them will have a beneficial effect on environment.

Secondly, our supplies of natural fuels are coming to an end and yet they are very important for the civilized life on Earth. The economic decline or even collapse will be inevitable if we continue to rely on the remains we have.

Some people say that humanity should not start to use alternative fuels. In their opinion there is still enough of this resource for successful development of humanity. Also opponents of alternative fuels say most of transport in the world uses fossil fuels so we have no option but to continue to produce it.

However, I disagree with these contentions. First of all, researches point out that the world's supplies of natural fuels will last only for 50 years. Secondly, many companies already produce electric vehicles and the number of them only grows.

To sum up the era of petrol and gas won’t last long so the best solution for humanity is to develop new, clean and replenished sources of fuels. The future of the next generations depends on people of nowadays and their decision in this situation.


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