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  1. «Погоня за прибылью – единственный способ, при помощи которого люди могут удовлетворять потребности тех, кого они вовсе не знают» Ф. Хайек
    В своём высказывании Ф. Хайек поднимает проблему целей предпринимательской деятельности. Рассмотрим её более подробно. Но для начала необходимо понять, что такое предпринимательская деятельность....

  2. 40.2 Everyone should try doing an extreme sport
    Nowadays, few people people have tried doing an extreme sport because this is generally considered to be scary. On the other hand, there is an opinion that an extreme sport has a lot of benefits. I am...

  3. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter пример
    Modern world demands knowledge of several foreign languages. Does this mean that everyone who knows a language can be an interpreter? To my mind, language fluency is enough for being a teacher or an...

  4. Visiting other countries essay
    Nowadays many people think that visiting other countries helps one to learn a lot about his/her own country. However, there are plenty of people who doubt that it is true. Let`s discuss this ambiguous...

  5. Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood
    Women had been more important in the process of bringing their children up than men for many centuries before the change of roles in the modern type of family happened. Now, father is not the only...

  6. In the past castles were the most comfortable places for living
    It’s common knowledge that in middle ages knights lived in castles. Some historians studying castles find them the most comfortable places to live while others don’t think they where convenient...

  7. Reading is no longer the main source of information
    In the modern world the issue of the role of reading is highly debatable. Many people think that reading is the key way of getting information, but others have the opposing opinion. Personally, I...

  8. 1. Spending money on pets is a waste of money 2. People need different music
    1. Nowadays a lot of people own pets and spend a lot of money on them. Some people believe that spending money on pets is a waste of time and others disagree with them. In my opinion, it is not...

  9. School classmates make the best friendship + письмо «Yesterday our teacher mentioned that many talented people had problems at school»
    There are a lot of discussions about human relationship nowadays. Some people are convinced that pupils find trusty friends only in their class, while others believe that a person can meet a real...

  10. A gap year before entering university. Год перерыва перед поступлением в университет
    There is a dispute about a period of rest before entering the university. Some people think that students should take a gap year, while others suppose that should not do it. As for me, I support the...

  11. Jobs teenagers do round the house
    The importance of doing household chores can be hardly overestimated today. The aim of this project is to illustrate the homework teenagers do. While doing my project on what jobs adolescents do...

  12. A popular actor's life is always fun
    A lot of people think that famous actors enjoy their easy, amusing life, while others are sure that their life is hard and stressful. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue. To my mind,...

  13. The importance of environmental issues today is exaggerated
    Is the environment important nowadays? Some people think that we should take the necessary steps to save our planet, while others argue that ecological problems are not essential. In my essay, I am...

  14. Pets make your home the best place пример
    Since ancient time animals have been the best people’s friends. Nowadays some people have two or even more pets, while others say that it is inadmissible to keep an animal at home. From my point of...

  15. Professional sports should be banned
    The issue which has caused lots of controversy for the recent years is professional sport’s ban. Some people think that professional sport should be prohibited. Others take this opinion with a grain...

  16. Project «What people use their computers for»
    It goes without saying that the computer usage goals has been the subject of much recent discussion and debate. I am therefore currently working on an important project to find out what people who...

  17. Is it right to be strict with little children?
    Nowadays many people claim that it is unacceptable when parents raise their children in a strict way. However, there are those who think that strict upbringing can be necessary sometimes. In my...

  18. The negative effects of tourism outweigh the positive ones / Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenagers
    Nowadays, tourism is getting widespread. Some people think that it brings positive effects more than negative ones, others claim an opposing thing. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue....

  19. Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think it is negative for children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
    Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think it is negative for children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Today in the consumer...

  20. Some people think teenagers should work to earn money
    Nowadays a lot of people speak about making money in adolescence. Some of them believe that teenagers should work and receive a payment. While others insist that earning money is a really early thing...

  21. The Internet is the greatest time-waster пример без перевода
    Nowadays, it is common knowledge that the Internet is increasingly used in our modern world. Some people think that it contributes the loss of time, while others do not agree. In my opinion, the...

  22. Does modern self-help book actually help
    Nowadays many of self-help books are best sellers. Some critics claim that they are actually bad for us promoting placebo effect (false hope syndrome), but others say that such books really help...

  23. Smoking с переводом
    They also say that every people have own head on their shoulders that is why other people will not to repeat after them. Nevertheless, I cannot agree with them, because I think that our freedom ends...

  24. Letter to the editor, modern reading problems
    Dear Sir or Madam, I watched your recent programme and was interested to learn the results of the survey. Actually, I’d like to address some of your findings regarding the use of computers and book...

  25. The last night of the world - завтра конец света, Рей Бредбери
    Today we are going to discuss the story of Ray Bradbury, which is called «The Last Night of the World». In my opinion, it is one of the greatest short stories of this author, because it has really...

  26. Modern teenagers face a lot of problems nowadays
    Recently there has been a heated debate whether modern teenagers have a lot of problems. There is no exact answer to this question and nobody knows what youngsters' life actually means nowadays. To...

  27. Circus is the best entertainment for children
    Nowdays there are many ways to ententain children. With the invention of television and the Internet our lives have become much easier. But there are some people who think that tradition ways are most...

  28. Personal development
    Personal development is a rather long process that does not always depend directly on the individual. There are various factors that determine the development of the individual. I believe that my...

  29. Письмо личного характера. Задание С1
    Dear Mary, Thanks a lot for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t been in touch for so long. It is so awful about your aunt. «Это так ужасно насчет твоей тети» - по русски звучит коряво, и по английски...

  30. What is culture?
    In the modern world, we often wonder: what is culture? Personally, I think culture the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. There are a lot of different...

  31. How to improve educational system in Russia
    Good morning and thank you for inviting me here today. As we know, our educational system is currently struggling to stay efficient and needs immediate changes. So without further ado, let me make...

  32. TOPIC: TRAVELLING / Высказывания ОГЭ задание 2, задание 3
    Introduction: Adventure is necessary for us all. It keeps is from growing stale and old, it develops our imagination, it gives us that movement and change which are necessary to our life. – Why do...

  33. About online shopping
    The problem of advantages and disadvantages of online shopping has long been under discussion. However, people are still in two minds about it. Some of them believe that Internet shopping is becoming...

  34. Modern life is impossible without gadgets nowadays
    [Screen]Some people say that abandonment of gadgets are less strained people’s life but others claim that it makes one, on the contrary, more overwhelmed. In this essay I am going to speculate on this...

  35. Some people think that young people should follow in their parents' footsteps when choosing a profession Пример
    Nowadays, the problem of young people's following in their parents' footsteps in choosing a profession causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that teenagers should continue their...

  36. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in sociaty
    The death penalty is the highest form of punishment that takes a person’s life. In some countries, this type of punishment still exists but in our country, the death penalty is prohibited. However,...

  37. Some people approve of multiculturalism
    It goes without saying that multiculturalism is so popular in the modern world. Some people strongly believe that multiculturalism is necessary in our lives. Others suppose that it is not...

  38. Some people think that to be a success you need talent; others think that hard work can compensate for the lack of it
    Many people spend all their lives to gain some good results in different spheres. Some people are sure that only talented people get success in life, while others are of the opinion that it is more...

  39. A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer.
    It is well-known that the problem of studying without a computer is a controversial one. Some people believe that computers help children study successfully, while others argue that there are a large...

  40. A lot of people think that extreme sports help to build character
    Nowadays, the problem of the value of extreme sports causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that extreme sports strenghten character while others think differently. Who is...

  41. Studying online is more interesting than studying at school пример
    Some people believe that it is more interesting to study online than to go to school. Others, however, do not agree with that point of view. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue. In my...

  42. Governments should limit the size of sugary drink containers in order to improve public health. Письмо о получении новостей
    Nowadays many people think that governments must reduce the number of sugary drink containers to save people's health. However, there are those who believe that it is everyone's personal decision to...

  43. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it example
    Nowadays, speaking a foreign language is extremely important. It is required everywhere, that is why language schools and courses are in great demand. Most people think that only a professional...

  44. Should cars be banned from city centre?
    Nowadays the issue of necessity to prohibit driving personal cars in the city centre arouses heated discussions. Some people claim it should be done while others suppose there is no need in it. In...

  45. Education is the most important element of a person's life 14/14 баллов
    Without a doubt, the topic of education has always aroused great interest in the public and caused a lot of discussions with many points of view. Some people reckon that obtaining knowledge and skills...

  46. Having one common language on a planet would be a wise decision
    English is the most widespread language nowadays and it is commonly believed that other languages will be replaced by it. This essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of having a sole...

  47. Having a good night’s sleep is more important than being ready for school assignments
    Some people believe that having a beauty sleep is better than being prepared for lessons while others disagree and claim that doing homework all night long is more important. Let us consider this...

  48. Some people think that young people should follow in their parents' footsteps when choosing a profession пример с аргументами
    Nowadays there is an opinion that children should receive the same profession as their parents. Some people think that it is true while others think differently. In my essay I am going to express my...

  49. Health warning labels on fast food packaging should be compulsory
    It’s common knowledge, fast food is harmful for our health. Some people think, there must be special labels to warn people about the dangerous consequences of taking it. Others disagree with this...

  50. Some people believe that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in some areas, whereas others think that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no benefits. Discuss both sides and state your opinion
    A lot of people enjoy travelling to remote places; but the others say that tourists can harm or damage the local culture of these places, that is why these places should be closed from tourists. On...

  51. Social media interaction is important for modern teenagers + письмо «You know, we're going to Spain for our summer holiday»
    There are a lot of discussions about teenagers` behaviour. Some people are convinced that social networks are essential for the youth, while others believe that such apps are unnecessary for young...

  52. Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear. с переводом
    my opinion about the quarrel with your friend. Actually, it was the common fault. You could ask John about his desires but also John should say what he wanted. Everybody has quarrels with friends and...

  53. Individual schedule at school
    Nowadays there are different types of high-school education. Some of schools offer students their own individual program. Some people think that it is beneficial for students to have their own...

  54. 40.1 An early choice of a career path is the key to success; 40.2 Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world
    40.1 Nowadays science plays a dominant role in our modern world. Some people say that science is the most important thing to be financed while others consider that it is a waste of money. I strongly...

  55. It is the responsibility of fast-food restaurants if people are addicted to their food
    Nowadays fast-food restaurants have become very popular. There are many discussions about advantages and disadvantages of it. Some people consider that fast-food outlets are responsible for their...

  56. Prisons should be a comfortable, decent place for those serving a sentence. Do you agree?
    Nowadays, when the problem of humanistic attitude towards prisoners has become a matter of heated debates, some people consider that imprisoned people do not deserve using common goods. Still, others...

  57. In any occupation discipline is more important than talent Пример
    Nowadays, the problem of selecting forbearing and talent in occupation causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that discipline is predominant in doing any occupation while others...

  58. It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year
    The problem of financing of scientific projects on space exploration is arousing debates. Some people believe that goverment has to spend a lot of money on discoveries in outer space while there are...

  59. Fast food outlets should be closed example
    Nowadays fast food becomes an important part of our lives. Many people visit these outlets regularly while others suppose they should be closed. Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages...

  60. Cities provide people with more advantages than villages
    Nowadays there are a lot of opportunities for people to choose the best place to live. Some of them consider that large cities can offer tremendous possibilities for people, while others strongly...

  61. He who never leaves his country is full of prejudices
    Nowadays the movement which is fighting against intolerance, racism and many other biases is constantly gaining its popularity. The supporters of this campaign claim that it is crucial for everyone to...

  62. Reality show is one of the best TV shows
    Nowadays many people spend a lot of time in front of TV screens watching soap operas, films, news reports, sports games or reality shows. Some people think that reality shows are the most interesting...

  63. «Пешеходный переход от беды тебя спасёт» \ «Письмо водителю»
    However, I do not accept these statements because if there were car-free zones within the city, then there would be much more space there and city centres would become more pedestrian-friendly....

  64. Traveling abroad helps to understand your own country
    Nowadays the problem of perception of culture of countries causes great arguments and controversy some people believe that if you can travel abroad you will understand your own country fair while...

  65. An interesting plot makes a good film
    To start with, some people say that an exciting plot is what makes a film good. However, others think that there some other factors without which it is impossible to create an interesting...

  66. Some people think that using mobile telephones must be prohibited in school
    Nowadays our life is unthinkable without telephones. Children use this gadget in school too. Some people believe mobile phones should be forbidden in school whereas other think that children should be...

  67. How watching movies helps to learn English?
    I believe in myself. Successful language learning is a brilliant start for my future career. I am an adult person but sometimes I speak like a child and make many grammatical mistakes. I'm trying to...

  68. People think that you can have only one true friend c переводом на русский
    Nowadays there is a great number of people who think that every person can have only one best friend. Others say it is possible to have more than one true friend. In this essay, I will try to express...

  69. Exams motivate to study harder
    Nowadays, the question of studying is very important. Some people believe that exams are a motivation for students to make a lot of effort into the process of study, while others object to it. In this...

  70. Life without coins and paper money will be safer and more convenient for everyone
    Coins and paper money are being replaced by bank cards, which are becoming more and more popular nowadays. Some people think that it will be better if paper money disappears. Others consider that such...

  71. In the digital age museums are important
    Issues connected to museums are frequently discussed these days. Usually museums are considered as a cultural heritage of every country. Some people think that museums will be always visited by many...

  72. In the near future newspapers and magazines will be replaced by TV
    A huge amount of sources are used by people to learn new information about the world around. Some people are sure that modern people will not read paper media and will only use TV for looking for...

  73. People cannot do much to improve the environment
    The issue, which has caused lots of controversy for the recent years, is protecting the environment. Some people think that improving ecological situation is impossible. Others take this opinion with...

  74. Juvenile delinquency
    Juvenile delinquency Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about juvenile delinquency. Some people think that the main factor is communicating with wrong companies. Personally, I...

  75. Важность внешности
    Nowadays, the issue of the importance of appearance is very controversial. Many young people think that it is necessary to look good. However, adults believe that teenagers give too much attention to...

  76. Education is the most important possession a person can have пример
    Education has become a hot topic for debates in recent years. Some people claim that it is essential to be educated while others hold an opposing view. Now I would like to express my attitude to this...

  77. TV has negative effect on children
    Some people say that television has a negative impact on children's development. Others, however, do not think so. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue. In my opinion, TV has a negative...

  78. A computer cannot replace a teacher пример
    Our life has changed greatly in the recent years. People pay much attention to their development. Some people suppose that electronic gadgets are better in teaching than human. Others think...

  79. Genetically modified food
    Impact genetically modified food on human health has always been a controversial question. Some people suppose that future of mankind is genetic engineering. Other people are sure that people get more...

  80. Lots of people enjoy celebrating holidays. However, for some people a holiday is just a day off
    Nowadays people have lots of different holidays during a year. It is caused various views on celebrating them. Many people are sure that holidays must be celebrated while others claim that they are...

  81. Mobile phones should be banned at school premises at all times
    Nowadays mankind lives in era of new technologies. Some people are convinced that students should not be allowed to use mobile phones at schools, while others disagree with this opinion. Now I am...

  82. Beach holiday is the best holiday
    One of the most popular kinds of summer holiday is the beach holiday. There is an opinion that the best way to spend one’s vacation is to go to the seaside. Another view is that beach holiday is not...

  83. Как я провёл лето на английском
    I want to say some words about the summer. Last summer was the best in my all life. It was great becouse of my parents. In the end of the summer they told me that if my marks will be all right I will...

  84. Following the fashion trends is a waste of time and money
    Nowadays a huge amount of people pay a lot of attention on being fashionable while others do not think that trends are worth it. In my opinion, following fashion has a big role in life. To start...

  85. Childhood is the safest period of human life
    There are many people who consider that childhood is a comfortable and undengerous period of a human life.Others believe that they are wrong and do not agree.On the one side, this period seems such,...

  86. The government should provide funding for the arts 14/14 баллов
    Without a doubt, the topic of the arts has always aroused great interest in the public and caused a lot of discussions with many points of view. Some people reckon that it is necessary that...

  87. Movies depict historical facts inaccurately
    To begin with, some people think films show us the events of our history in a right way. Others argue that there are many inaccuracies in movies. I can’t but mention that many films show some...

  88. Mobile phones should be banned at school at all times с переводом
    Some people say that cell phones should be always forbidden at the educational organizations but others claim that these are significant for studying and should be allowed. In this essay I am going to...

  89. The nature
    I wanna say some words about the nature. It is the best place for people and for animals. Some centuries ago people love and respect the nature. They did not take as much resourses us they do...

  90. Early choice of profession
    Nowadays the choice of profession is not less important than the choice of the life partner. Some people are convinced that an early decision about your future career contributes to its successful...

  91. Friendship is the greatest gift of life example
    In today’s world the problem of friendship’s value causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that friendship is the best thing in everyone’s life while others do not agree with...

  92. Sports help to fight stress + письмо about healthy lifestyle
    Sports help to fight stress Some people think that with the help of doing sport someone can relieve stress. Definitely, not everybody agrees with this opinion. Other people consider that sport...

  93. How I spent my summer
    The summer of 2019 was unfortunately far from good in terms of weather. Most of the days were rainy, windy and, which is much worse, very cold. It didn't feel like summer; it felt like early or...

  94. A pupil can not study effectively without a computer
    In the modern world, students spend a lot of time with computers. More often they surf the Internet. It can be either browsing social networks or communicating with friends. People also use the...

  95. Technological advances make societies less human
    Nowadays technologies are an essential part of people’s everyday life. It would be no exaggeration to say that technologies spread in our societies and change us into senseless faceless mass. Yet...

  96. Childhood is the safest period of human life с переводом
    A human has lots of different periods in life which includes ups and downs. A huge amount of people think that childhood is the calmest of them while others do not agree with that opinion. In my...

  97. Having a hobby is important for everyone с переводом
    A hobby is essential for a well-rounded life. Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and enriches our lives. It is believed that additional activity from work or main occupation is necessary for...

  98. Imagine that you are doing a project on the sources of information teenagers in Zetland use most often. You have found some data on the subject - the results of the opinion polls (see the table below) (ЕГЭ)
    [Screen]It’s well known that information plays a crucial role in the modern world. Therefore, the purpose of my project is to analyse the sources of information that teenagers in Zetland prefer to...

  99. Fast food outlets should be closed. It is the government`s responsibility to protect the environment?
    Fast food outlets should be closed. There is a popular trend to think that fast food restaurants should be banned. At the same time, a lot of people like places that sell junk food and want them...

  100. Learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money
    Learning foreign languages is becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Some people are inclined to believe that it has no sense to study different languages, while others claim that it is a useful...

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