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Having one common language on a planet would be a wise decision (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

English is the most widespread language nowadays and it is commonly believed that other languages will be replaced by it. This essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of having a sole language for everyone.

To begin with, the main advantage of having a universal language is that it simplifies the communication between scientists, businessmen, politicians and ordinary people. Now it is common practice to translate essential documents such as reports of scientific research or financial statement in English in order to avoid misunderstanding. What is more, establishing a single language will make every person a part of world community, united by culture, values and basic laws. That would be profitable for world economy and helpful in solving social problems. Common concepts in the language will unite people from different parts of the world, creating more mutual understanding between them.

Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks which ought to be mentioned.

Firstly, the replacement of many native languages with the universal one derives people of their cultural identity since language is the significant component of it. It should be highlighted that there are a lot of languages spoken by a small amount of people, and our society attempts to save them from being extinct because they are a part of world historical heritage. The same applies for other languages. Secondly, languages develop continuously by borrowing words from other ones, which is a necessary part of human communication. The modern English is a prime example: it contains words from French, Latin, Spanish and many other languages.

orrowed words are a reflection of the cultural life of the people to whom they belong. Moreover, borrowed words allow the language to develop and transform. If there was the only language in the world, development would be next to impossible.

To conclude, having a single language can be advantageous, however, the negative impact of substitution of other languages must be taken into consideration. Today, in the context of globalization, the discussion on this issue is very relevant.


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