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Should cars be banned from city centre? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the issue of necessity to prohibit driving personal cars in the city centre arouses heated discussions. Some people claim it should be done while others suppose there is no need in it.

In my opinion, private transport should not be driven in the central areas of a city. Firstly, there are usually a lot of tourists and city dwellers walking in central parts of a city. Restriction to drive private cars can do that place safer and more comfortable for people. Secondly, usually the center of a city is its historical part with old roads not supposed to bear big volume of traffic. Due to this there are often a lot of traffic jams in the city centre, that makes going anywhere by any kind of transport awfully slow. Closing of the central city areas to the private cars makes it easier to get somewhere for people in both private and public transport.

However, there are some opponents of the point of view given above who claim that the central areas of a city should be free to drive private transport because a lot of people working or living in the central areas find commuting by public transport inconvenient.

To a certain extent it may be right, although I still disagree with the opponent's opinion.

For the first time using public transport instead of your own car may seem uncomfortable, but soon it will become a habit, so it is just a matter of time.

Taking everything into account, I can say that closing the central areas of a city to the private transport is necessary because it is really advantageous.


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