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Project «What people use their computers for» (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that the computer usage goals has been the subject of much recent discussion and debate. I am therefore currently working on an important project to find out what people who live in Zetland do on their computers. I have found some valuable statistics for my project in a diagram to help give my opinion on the subject.

The information in the bar chart shows the popularity of each computer activity. Emailing (34%) is the most popular, whereas, in stark contrast, watching films (1%) is the least. Playing computer games (33%) ranks just below emailing (34%), and roughly a third either make conference calls (21%) or communicate with other people (11%).

The bar chart shows a significant difference in what computer activities people do.

Emailing is a great deal more popular than watching films, having a 34% popularity rating, against one of only 1%. As noted earlier, emailing barely exceeds playing computer games, which has 33% of responders' votes.

The statistics point to an underlying problem. As emailing is the most widely preferred activity, it is clear that people want to speak with their friends, but they can be distracted by unnecessary information or computer apps. They shouldn't forget about meeting and chatting in real life. However, there is a way out of this if people limit their computer usage.

In my opinion, although some people may overuse computers, no doubt that computers play an essential role in our lives. People living in different parts of the world can easily communicate with each other just in one click. All we need are the computer program and access to the Internet.


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