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The importance of environmental issues today is exaggerated (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Is the environment important nowadays? Some people think that we should take the necessary steps to save our planet, while others argue that ecological problems are not essential. In my essay, I am going to express my point of view on this issue.

According to my opinion, people should pay more attention to the environment. To begin with, all countries have similar problems, such as water, soil and air pollution, deforestation, etc. Scientists from all over the world have been looking for new decisions to protect the Earth from dying for a long time. To help them everyone has to start with himself. For instance, clean up the rubbish around a house, saving energy and water resources are the easiest steps. Moreover, children have already started to study Ecology at schools that helps to arise a careful generation.

However, there is an opposite opinion.

First of all, people believe natural accidents and pollution are a normal processes of life. Secondly, today everyone has all opportunities to live and does not suffer from a lack of resources.

I strongly disagree with the statements given above. Firstly, the duration of human life depends on nature. Therefore, the health of nature depends on our influences. Furthermore, no resources provided by our planet are endless. It is obvious that we should save them to be sure in our future.

In conclusion, I would like to say, that environmental issues are meaningful for people. We can even do tiny steps, which can help to take care of the Earth.



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