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Professional sports should be banned (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue which has caused lots of controversy for the recent years is professional sport’s ban. Some people think that professional sport should be prohibited. Others take this opinion with a grain of some skepticism.

In my opinion, professional sport should develop and it mustn't be banned. First of all, when someone does professional sport, he tries to do everything to beat records in this kind of sport. It helps athletes develop their physical condition and broaden their horizons about human abilities and skills. Secondly, in every country people are very proud of their national professional sportsmen and their achievements. If a professional sport is banned, people will lose something that brings them together in front of different difficulties.

However, there is another side to the question. Some people believe that professional sport should be banned because athletes can get serious injuries during their hard trainings. Moreover, it is very expensive to hold professional sports competitions and it can be bad for national economy.

I personally disagree with the above-mentioned viewpoint. Firstly, nowadays world medicine is very developed so even the most serious sportsman’s injury can be cured.

As for national economies during sport competitions, there are a lot of international sport organizations which financially help countries organize professional competitions.

In conclusion, I would like to say that professional sports shouldn't be banned. Doing these sports is very beneficial not only for sportsmen but for all people in the world.


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