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It is the responsibility of fast-food restaurants if people are addicted to their food (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays fast-food restaurants have become very popular. There are many discussions about advantages and disadvantages of it. Some people consider that fast-food outlets are responsible for their clients`s addiction to their food. However, there are people who think differently.

In my opinion, fast-food restaurants are not guilty of people`s addiction to their food. Firstly, people are responsible for their choice. Nobody forces them to eat fast food. People should admit the effects of eating junk food. Secondly, there many types of addictions: computer addiction, drug addiction, cigarette addiction, but it does not make manufacturers of computers, drugs or cigarettes responsible for people having these bad habits.

I think it is the same with fast-food restaurants.

All the same, some people consider that they cannot stop eating junk food and fast-food restaurants are responsible for it. In their opinion, fast-food outlets use colourants and the GM foods which lead to an addiction. Also, they say that fast food is so cheap and tasty that people cannot stop eating it.

Nevertheless, I would not agree with the opinion above. There is too small dose of nutrition supplements which cannot lead to the addiction. I think if people have sense of a proportion and self-control, they will never have a habit of eating junk food regularly.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that it is not right to accuse fast-food restaurants of their clients`s addiction to their food. People are responsible for their choice.


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