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People cannot do much to improve the environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue, which has caused lots of controversy for the recent years, is protecting the environment. Some people think that improving ecological situation is impossible. Others take this opinion with a grain of some skepticism.

In my opinion, people can really improve the environment and there are some objective reasons for this. First of all, nowadays scientists are creating more and more eco-friendly cars, which don’t emit toxic fumes. Using these cars in the near future will solve the air pollution problem. Secondly, people and factories throw hundreds of tons of litter away every day. That is why every person should sort a liter and throw it in a special place, not on the ground. These actions will really improve the environment.

However, there is another side to the question.

Some people believe that you cannot convince all people not to pollute the environment. Moreover, due to the industrial development, more and more factories, which pollutes the air and water resources, are opening nowadays.

I personally disagree with the above-mentioned viewpoint. Firstly, if the governments of countries make some ecological laws and introduce a penalty for their violation, all people will sort the litter and improve the environment. As for factories, they won't pollute the air if states provide financial help for creating eco-friendly industry.

All in all, I would like to say that improving the environment depends on every person. People can do many things to stop the pollution and make their lives happier.


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