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Sleep deprivation among teenagers is the main cause of poor performance at school (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people believe that lack of sleep has one of the strongest impacts on person’s learning at school while others claim that sleep loss is not the main problem of bad performance on lessons. This issue requires further consideration.

In my opinion, sleep deprivation among young people is one of the most serious problems. Firstly, sleep loss causes lack of concentration which means that a person is not able to catch all the necessary information given on the lessons. So teenager after that can end up having awful relationships with a teacher and getting bad marks on tests. Secondly, lack of sleep can cause lots of illnesses such as splitting headaches and so on. Well, these illnesses can surge a person to spend a lot of time at home or hospital which means to lose a lot of study time.

However, there are lots of people who think differently. In their opinion, the main reason of bad performance at school is not a lack of sleep but teenagers’ laziness.

They claim that young people waste a lot of time surfing the Internet, doing useless stuff and hanging on with their friends which is the real cause of having poor marks at school.

Still, I cannot fully share this opinion because sleep loss is usually caused by hard studying, reading tons of materials for subjects and etcetera. Not laziness but sleep deprivation ruins the potential of gifted and diligent students whose number is bigger than the lazy students one.

Overall, despite certain arguments against, I think that sleep deprivation should not be underrated. It causes concentration level reduction, illnesses and nullification of students’ efforts which can lead to bad grades.


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