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About online shopping (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of advantages and disadvantages of online shopping has long been under discussion. However, people are still in two minds about it. Some of them believe that Internet shopping is becoming widespread and common while others consider that traditional shopping is conventional and more reliable.

Personally I belong to those people who suppose that online shopping has become popular nowadays because of its advantages. To begin with, it is more convenient to do shopping online without leaving our houses. Secondly, Internet shopping saves a lot of time. Moreover, for busy people online shopping is the only opportunity to shop. Thirdly, doing shopping online is more economical because the products in the Internet are cheaper than in the shops.

However, not all people share this opinion.

Some of them fear online shopping and believe that traditional one is more convenient and safe. Firstly, you can touch the thing that you want to buy and even test it before purchasing. Also, you have an opportunity to communicate directly with a shop assistant asking him questions. Secondly, a customer does not run the risk of losing his money because there are no hackers and scammers in traditional shops.

I do not think that they are right as due to the coronavirus infection it is risky to touch things in the shop and to communicate with people. Secondly, there are a lot of special programs that can protect your money against hackers. Moreover, you can come across with a pickpocket in the shops.

In conclusion, all the views taken together I still stick to the point that online shopping is very popular nowadays because it saves time and money. Also, it is more convenient to do shopping from home.

260 w.


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