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Some people think teenagers should work to earn money (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays a lot of people speak about making money in adolescence. Some of them believe that teenagers should work and receive a payment. While others insist that earning money is a really early thing for teens. This problem is so essential that we should discuss it.

As far as I am concerned, teenagers should not work because they have got a lot of other objectives such as study,getting experiences and developing skills. Firstly, a study is the most important thing for everyone during teenage years.Therefore,if a child has got a job,his academic performance will decline because of a fatigue and lack of time. Secondly, a constantly job can lead to different problems with parents and friends. Teens who spend whole days at work begin to forget about close people and lose their friends.

Moreover, they become reserved and unsociable.

But there is a different point of view that nowadays every teenager should work to earn money. To begin with, children get knowledge about an adult life during their work. It is worthy information because school does not give it. Moreover, jobs help teens to develop their skills such as social and physical. Besides, many people make new interesting friends during work.

But I cannot agree with this opposing opinion because teenagers find all necessary things at school. Wrong job choices in adolescence can lead that a child goes astray.

In conclusion,I would like to say that early work offers a lot of opportunities but people should know how to distribute time, energy to everything else. Only after that everyone becomes happy.


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