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Modern teenagers face a lot of problems nowadays (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Recently there has been a heated debate whether modern teenagers have a lot of problems. There is no exact answer to this question and nobody knows what youngsters' life actually means nowadays.

To my mind, it is true that many adolescents suffer from their problems. Their parents and teachers do not go with the times and that is why young people face the misunderstanding. For instance, the older generation teach the teenagers how to "live". That is why youngsters become doubtful and uncertain. Secondly, there is a phenomenon called the "youthful maximalism". Modern adolescents have a lot of adrenaline in their body but neither parents, no teachers understand it. They blame the teens for many negative events, although they forget about the fact that youngsters do this thoughtlessly.

On the other hand, there is a contradictory view. Some people are sure, that teens have everything that is possible only: the Internet and lots of gadgets. They believe that these things can make the human happy.

Anyway, I do not share this opinion. It is my strong conviction, that every adolescent faces difficulties in his life because he is not allowed to express himself and to do what he likes. Teachers and parents usually drive teenagers into strict frameworks, so they cannot be self-reliant.

To conclude, I can see that the issue of a problems of "fathers and children" is always relevant. In my opinion, everybody should meet halfway. The older generation should express deep concern and teenagers should be more patient and grateful.

250 слов


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