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The main aim of technological development is to offer people more leisure time (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are a lot of opinions about the main purpose of technological development. In fact, many people believe that

modern technologies are aimed to save people's free time. However, others suppose that this advantage of modern technologies is exaggerated and nowadays technologies consume all the leisure time.      

My personal opinion is that modern technologies help people to save time. Definitely, nowadays operations with technological products consume less time that 100 years ago. Moreover, modern mobile phones have special programs and software for effective time use.

      However, there is an another point of view. According to it, people waste their time while using modern technologies.

Tere are a lot of gadgets, sources of information and programs which consume much time nowadays. In fact, an average person can not deal with such amount of technological surround.

      Unfortunately, I cannot fully agree with this opinion.

Despite the fact that technologies require a lot of time many of us learn how to control their time spent on different things. Actually, modern people's generation orientates in modern digital world. I personally believe that technologies will benefit only if people would use them properly.

       Taking everything into consideration, I want to say that the main purpose of technological development is making our lives a bit easier and comfortable. Technology is a greatest achievement of humanity but people should carefully use it.


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