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A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Modern world demands knowledge of several foreign languages. Does this mean that everyone who knows a language can be an interpreter?

To my mind, language fluency is enough for being a teacher or an interpreter. Firstly, this job requires special skills, such as literacy and ability to communicate with different people. Secondly, this person should not be only good at foreign languages, but also have knowledge of theit mother tongue. And thirdly, an interpreter should have an advanced vocabulary to be able to translate texts and oral speech on various subjects.

Other people say that the only thing you need to be an interpreter is to have good spelling and pronunciation. They also say that if yiu have some experience, you will easily translate any text.

However, I totally disagree with this point of view, because you need a lot of skills to be a successful interpreter, you must be sociable and have good sense of language.

In conclucion, I would like to say that an interpreter should enjoy his ot her job and be cut out for this profession.

Modern world demands knowledge of several foreign languages. Does this mean that everyone who knows a language can be an interpreter?

To my mind, language fluency is enough for being a teacher or an interpreter. Firstly, this job requires special skills, such as literacy and ability to communicate with different people. Secondly, this person should not be only good at foreign languages, but also have knowledge of theit mother tongue. And thirdly, an interpreter should have an advanced vocabulary to be able to translate texts and oral speech on various subjects.

Other people say that the only thing you need to be an interpreter is to have good spelling and pronunciation. They also say that if yiu have some experience, you will easily translate any text.

However, I totally disagree with this point of view, because you need a lot of skills to be a successful interpreter, you must be sociable and have good sense of language.

In conclucion, I would like to say that an interpreter should enjoy his ot her job and be cut out for this profession.


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