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Having a good night’s sleep is more important than being ready for school assignments (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people believe that having a beauty sleep is better than being prepared for lessons while others disagree and claim that doing homework all night long is more important. Let us consider this issue in more detail.

Personally, I think that being ready for school assignments is more relevant than having a good night’s sleep. Firstly, those who do not do their homework in time always blame themselves for not having high marks. For example, you sleep on your assignments and on the next day you cannot answer teacher’s questions and this leads to bad grades. Secondly, it is better to be ready with all your homework because you will be sure that you can assert yourself in every subject.

However, some people think differently, They claim that it is more important to lie in bed under the covers and put their homework away. In their opinion, students should have a beauty sleep as they can easily catch up on all needed tasks by doing it in the morning or right before the lessons in the school.

They think that doing school assignment is nowhere near as important as having seven hours sleep and good health.

Still, I cannot share this position because if teenagers do not do their school assignments, they will not be able to build on their knowledge. Due to this they can have some gaps which may not be budged.

To conclude, I consider that students should neglect to have a good night’s sleep to be ready for school as it is quite important to become well-educated.


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