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Mental health is more important than physical one (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Issue: mental health is more important than physical one.

There is no single opinion in our modern world if mental health has greater influence on our wellness as physical one. Some people think that it is true while other do not. Let us consider this issue more deeply.

In my opinion, mental condition is much more important. To begin with, it cannot be cured so easily as physical one because the treatment should be especially individual and you can’t just take medicines to get rid of mental problems. Moreover, lots of people are prone to avoiding mental problems due to fear of becoming a black sheep and it makes their mental health get worse and worse.

However, quite many people think differently. They claim that physical well-being is more vital. Their main argument is that worsening of your body has more serious consequences.

For instance, if you have a cancer, you have to undergo really heavy treatment like an operation, radiation and other awful part of therapy. Another way, it is highly possible to die.

Still, I cannot share this position because mental illnesses can lead to death too. Person who has depression and does not cure it usually loses his or her meaning of life. Unfortunately, such people have a big risk to commit suicide.

Overall, despite certain arguments against, there is no doubt for me that it is more important to care about your mental wellness than body one because you cannot overcome spirit problems in easy way. Also, they have worse consequences.


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