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Summer holidays in the countryside are best for teenagers 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are many ways of spending summer holidays. Some people believe that teenagers should spend them in the countryside, while others argue that such way of spending summer is a waste of time. I suggest considering these opposing views in detail.

It is my strong opinion that it is always a good idea to go to a village for summer holidays. To begin with, in the countryside teenagers can breathe fresh air and eat natural food, which contributes to an improvement of their health. As well as that, change of scenery helps to clear one’s mind and therefore start a school year with a lot of energy. Moreover, in villages teenagers spend less time in social networks due to low Internet speed, which is why they can get rid of the Internet addiction.

However, there are some people who insist that it is useless for teenagers to spend summer holidays in the countryside.

First, there are not many things that they can do, thus this time is boring. Second, one can feel lonely in a village if he does not have any friends there.

I totally disagree with this view. On the one hand, there are many things teenagers can do in a village such as fishing, berry and mushroom picking, swimming. They can take up new hobbies. On the other hand, one can always make friends with local children, which can also help him or her to develop communication skills.

To conclude, I am convinced that spending summer holidays in the countryside is a useful option for teenagers as there they can enjoy fresh air and natural products, clear their minds and make new friends.


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