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Is it right to be strict with little children? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays many people claim that it is unacceptable when parents raise their children in a strict way. However, there are those who think that strict upbringing can be necessary sometimes.

In my opinion, children should not be raised with strict discipline. Firstly, being strict with kids determines their low self-esteem in the future. When parents treat the children without love and care, they can grow up reserved and shy people. They will not have a sense of respect towards themselves as they never felt it earlier. Secondly, parents can cause a psychological trauma if they are strict with kids. Scolding children, mothers and fathers engender negative feelings in them and sometimes it can even lead to hatred.

Nevertheless, the opponents of this view argue that disciplining is an important element of raising kids, especially when they are naughty or behave improperly.

That is because they do not want their children to lack moral values.

Despite this, I disagree. I think that a well-behaved and responsible person can be brought up only in a family where a child is surrounded by the parent’s kindness. Even when the child misbehaves, paying attention to the child is more useful than strict parenting.

In conclusion, even though there is a view that parents should be strict with their kids, I am firmly convinced that strict childrearing does not serve the purpose of upbringing well-adjusted person therefore cannot be justified.



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