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Jobs teenagers do round the house (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The importance of doing household chores can be hardly overestimated today. The aim of this project is to illustrate the homework teenagers do. While doing my project on what jobs adolescents do around the house, I found some relevant data which I am going to analyze.

According to the statistics in the table, there are several main facts that need to be mentioned. Overall, most youngsters prefer tidying their bedroom – 81 teenagers. Another important fact is that only 5 people reported walking the dog, putting this duty at the bottom.

The table demonstrates a significant difference in what chores adolescents do around the house. Looking at the information in more details, we can see that the number of teenagers doing washing up (76 people) is almost twice as many as the figure of youngsters dusting surfaces (40 people).

And dog walking with only 5 people is five times less than vacuuming the floors - 25 teenagers.

Working on my project, I can outline a serious problem. Nowadays fewer and fewer teenagers spend time on doing household chores. As a result, they become unable to take responsibility for the space around them. I believe, that starting with small jobs, for example, washing up or mopping the floor is the best solution to this issue, because it can instill in youngsters the habit of cleanliness and order and become the beginning of their conscious housework.

In conclusion, I think, that by forcing teenagers to do household chores, parents will only achieve hatred. However, with the right motivation, house jobs will not only be done faster and with interest, but also will become a useful habit.


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