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Genetically modified food (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Impact genetically modified food on human health has always been a controversial question. Some people suppose that future of mankind is genetic engineering. Other people are sure that people get more trouble than it is worth. I would like to have my say.

It is my strong belief that we should be treated with caution with GM food. To begin with, people buy different food, but without knowing the ingredients had been genetically modified. It means that if companies do not label GM products they have something dangerous to hide from us. Secondly, we do not know what consequences could be. Scientists have done little research in this area and are not sure that GM food is absolutely harmless.

Nevertheless, they are other people who claim that GM food could be the end of problems with hunger in the world.

The population is growing and the land available for agriculture is becoming less. Plants that can protect themselves from frost and viruses have already been invented. It means that GMO crops increase yields and can feed the world.

Still, I can not agree with them because most countries do not have laws governing the production GM food. People do not know how it affects on their health. I suppose, GM food consumption can negatively affect on various process into human organism and cause allergies.

In conclusion, I should say there are strong arguments on both sides but I am sure GM food have more adverse consequences for the reasons I have mentioned above.


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