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  1. Even a useful gift can cause health problems.
    . Even a useful gift can cause health problems. 2. One device becomes a substitute for many objects. 3. Some people seldom use the main function of their phone. 4. The world of...

  2. Cultural differences cause problems, it’s better to stay in one’s own country
    Nowadays, there is an opinion that the difference between the cultures of countries can be a difficulty. Some people agree with this statement and consider that because of it is to stay in their...

  3. Childhood is not the best time of one s life с переводом (Детство - не лучшее время в жизни)
    Thereby, rural pupils properly assimilate the information and keep up with urban pupils. childhood is certainly the happiest time of one s life. Firstly, children are tension free. They do not need to...

  4. «Team sports help people develop a stronger character than individual sports do.»
    Nowadays many people discuss advantages and disadvantages of different types of sports. For instance, while some believe that team sports are more beneficial for the build out of a strong personality...

  5. Мои взгляды на жизнь
    My personal point of view is there is nothing impossible in this life, provided you have faith in your heart. Everything you believe in is sure to come into your reality In fact, all complications can...

  6. Many people think that the computer is one of the most useful inventions of the 20th century.
    A lot of people have no doubt that the computer has improved our lives. But others believe that computers are overrated. So, let us speculate about that and decide who is right. To begin with,...

  7. Some people focused on building a successful career while others choose to start a family
    Everyone has their own attitudes on life and goals. All of us try to find one's place in the world. Some people dream about career, another dicede to follow one's vocation and also there are people...

  8. Friendship has always been important for people. /Do You Agree That Friendship Can Last the Whole Life?
    Friendship has always been important for people. Friendship has always been important for people. Many writers, philosophers and psychologists refer to this issue in their works. Ordinary people...

  9. Andy’s mother likes it when he plays on his phone
    1. Andy’s mother likes it when he plays on his phone. 2. Sarah supports Andy’s mum decision. 3. Andy doesn’t have any health problems. 4. Sarah plays computer games at the...

  10. Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour
    Today we cannot imagine our life without clothes. Some people claim that clothes really can influence people’s behaviour. However, other people believe that clothes cannot change the way you behave. I...

  11. Jim has a regular job with Greenpeace
    1. Jim has a regular job with Greenpeace. 2. Jim says that people made the shore dirty while having fun. 3. There were boys only in Jim’s team. 4. Lisa doesn’t know how to become...

  12. Summer holidays in the countryside are best for teenagers пример
    There is a great number of people who believe that spending their summer holidays in the country is the best for adolescents. Others do not think so. In my opinion, the countryside is the best place...

  13. Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad
    Views concerning education differ widely among people. Some people consider that the best way of studying is international one. Others consider it unacceptable. In my opinion, if people want to get...

  14. Smoking should be prohibited. Курение должно быть запрещено
    In today’s world the problem of smoking causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that the government should ban smoking while others do not agree with them. My personal view is that...

  15. Megapolises are the best places for people to live
    Nowadays people face a difficult decision when choosing a place for their humble abode. Some prefer life in a big city over one in a smaller town, whereas others find the idea of dwelling in a quieter...

  16. The production and sale of genetically-modified food should be banned с переводом
    Genetically modified food is the food with the changed structure of DNA. Some people believe that eating it is extremely dangerous for our health and that is why the production and sale of GMO food...

  17. Social networks are a great way to fight loneliness
    Nowadays social media is getting more and more popularity all over the world. Some people can say that social networks can save us from loneliness, while others are sure that it is not true....

  18. Parents are teenager's best friends
    Everyone who has children has asked themselves the question: 'Am I the best friend of my son of daughter?' Some parents dream that their children treat them like their peers. Others are sure that it...

  19. Space exploration was the greatest achievement of the XX century
    Human space flight was one of the memorable events of the previous century. Many people say that space exploration turned the tide of history. Others claim this event had only slight impact on the...

  20. Music is something that distracts people from daily routine пример
    In our life there are different factors that influence people. One of them is music. Some people think that this mean of art can be a way of abstraction from stressful life. Others, on the contrary...

  21. The most important thing in our life is LOVE +перевод
    Love plays an important role in our life. For each other this word has different meanings: love to parents, to children, to second half or to friends. Some people think that love makes people happy...

  22. Most teachers believe that all subjects at school are equally useful
    The problem of the choice studying subjects has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that pupils should focus on certain lessons at school. However, others believe that it is...

  23. The Internet is the greatest time-waster
    Our modern world is unimaginable without the Internet. People use it for different purposes. However, there are plenty of people who doubt the importance of the Internet. They think it takes their...

  24. Mary has already passed her History test.
    1. Mary has already passed her History test. 2. Mary feels tired because of the repairs in her room. 3. Mary’s parents helped her find the designer. 4. Now the main colour of...

  25. 1. Education is the most important thing in life 2. Traditional school textbooks should be replaced by e-books
    1. It goes without saying that people have different opinions about education. Some people believe that education is the most significant part of our life, while others suppose that there are a lot of...

  26. Some people believe that the only way to lose weight is following a weight loss diet
    In the modern world many people pay attention to their weight. Some of them consider that only special diets can help to lose weight. But others have another point of view and consider that there are...

  27. Music and art should be studied more seriously at secondary schools
    [Screen]Thеrе is no dеnying thаt this issuе is rаthеr controvеrsiаl аnd pеoplе diffеr grеаtly in thеir аttitudе towаrds it. Somе of thеm bеliеvе thаt students ought to study music and art more...

  28. Being educated at home is better than at school
    In our contemporary world educating is an essential process in every teenager’s life. Some parents prefer to study at home with their offsprind while others suppose that professional teachers give...

  29. The 1st of September is a special day not only for pupils and teachers
    Every year a large number of school pupils go to school. Some people believe that the first day of the new school year is a momentous event for all people. However, others argue that there is nothing...

  30. Watching videos on YouTube is the best way to learn something new
    Nowadays all spheres of people’s lives are connected with the Internet. Teenagers are firmly convinced that YouTube is the most precious source of knowledge for modern students. Adults persuade other...

  31. Good books are only those books that everyone likes and understands с переводом
    Nowadays a lot of people think that good books must be easy and everyone should understand information in them. Others do not agree with this opinion. They think good books can be difficult and the...

  32. Текст аудирования Both Mike and Jane enjoyed their prom
    1. Both Mike and Jane enjoyed their prom. 2. Mike’s parents went to Peru for sightseeing. 3. Mike’s parents don’t like visiting Spain. 4. Jane thinks Peru is a safe place for...

  33. There are to many cars in our cities making lifes unpleasant with high level of polution and traffic jams
    Nowadays, there are many families that have more than one car. Therefore, there are a lot of traffic jams and the air is becoming more and more polluted. But there are some solutions of these...

  34. Education polishes good natures and corrects bad ones
    There is no denying the fact that nowadays every person should be educated. There are a lot of various ways to get education in any country. Some people think that pupils can achieve best results...

  35. Distance learning will replace traditional classrooms
    It goes without saying that people have different opinions about distance learning and the influence on traditional classrooms. Some people strongly believe that distance learning will really replace...

  36. A university education is necessary for success in today’s world
    A university education is not compulsory. However, nowadays the role of higher education is growing. It is often required to get a good job and make a sound career. AS well, it influences person’s...

  37. Many people think that we should explore space and visit other planets. However, some people say that space exploration is a waste of time and money
    People have polar opinions on space exploration. Some of them think that it is necessary for humans to know as much as possible about space, while others believe that space exploration is useless....

  38. It should be mandatory for all young people to volunteer to help protect the environment
    Today it is popular to join volunteer organisations and take part in charity movements among young people. Some of them do it at will, the others aren't fond of volunteering. But should it be...

  39. Tom is going to see a film with some friends
    Tom is going to see a film with some friends. 2. Abbie accepts Tom’s invitation. 3. Abbie often plays her instrument. 4. Abbie’s elderly neighbour lives alone. 5. Tom has never...

  40. Organized travel is not as interesting as independent travel.
    Nowadays tourism is getting more and more popular. Some people think that it is better go to a trip without a special program. But others claim that travelling with a group is more exiting and safer....

  41. Many people think that drug addiction is the disease of the 21st century.
    The question of vicious addictions has been currently important and unsettling during many decades and nowadays it still arouses the wide concern. Some people consider drug reliance as one of the most...

  42. Some people say that e-books are going to replace paper books in the future
    In modern world the popularity of computers is increasing. We can`t do without high tecnologies. Many people suggest, that in schools of future digital technologies will replace paper books. Some...

  43. письмо We are going to visit Moscow in September. What's the weather like then? Do we need to bring our warm coats?
    Krasnogorsk Russia 30/11/18 Dear Ann, Thanks a lot for your letter. I was happy to hear from you again. I'm sorry, I haven't written for so long. It was a very busy week for me. In your letter...

  44. It is better to read a book rather than watch its screen version
    The issue of reading literature has always aroused heated discussions and today’s question is not an exception. Some people believe that watching films which are made on the basis of books is better...

  45. Nowadays, many people prefer to travel abroad, others say that there is so much to be seen in our own country.
    The question of traveling has been currently important and unsettling during the last decades and, nowadays, it still arouses the wide concern. Some people consider that it is better to travel around...

  46. Shopping online is better than shopping in the mall пример
    A lot of people believe that it is much better to buy food and other things online than in the mall. So there are people who don't agree with this Personally, I suppose that shopping in the online...

  47. «Central parts of big cities should be closed to private transport» Nowadays many people are sure
    Nowadays many people are sure that central parts of cities should be closed to private transport. Some folks want drivers with their cars to stay away of cities` centres. Others think that people may...

  48. professional sport is too traumatic to be healthy, too demanding to be combined with good education and getting adequate social experience for children and teenagers to practice
    Personally, I believe that professional sport is very dangerous and difficult to be superposed with good health education and communication with friends. Firstly, professional sport is very risky, as...

  49. Space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20th century с переводом
    There is a great number of people who say that flights to space were the greatest development of the previous century. While others claim that exploring the space was not the biggest achievement. In...

  50. Film review. Dead Poets Society
    Dead Poets Society (Общество мёртвых поэтов) Dead Poets Society is a 1989 American drama film directed by Peter Weir. This story tells us about Welton Academy and actions which happen in the autumn...

  51. по разделам «Food and Health» и «Career»
    1. "Governments should limit the size of sugary drink containers in order to improve public health" It is common knowledge that sugar is bad for human's health. It will be good if the size of sugar...

  52. People shouldn’t be allowed to work from home because it’s less productive than being in the office пример
    Nowadays work from home is becoming more and more popular among people. At the same time, there is another point of view that working in the office is more productive. I hold the view that work at...

  53. The issue of death penalty
    The issue of death penalty is a rather controversial topic. Some people think that murderers should be killed without hesitation by government whereas the others are convinced the opposite and think...

  54. A good teacher should always be strict and exacting
    It goes without saying that teachers should be demanding. Some people claim that is true whereas others argue that they should not be strict and exacting. It os often difficult to decide what kind of...

  55. Doing sports is very essential for young people
    Nowadays the problem of and importance of sport people's houses great argument and controversy. Some people think that people have to do support while others believe that it is important for them. ...

  56. The Internet is the best way to find the information
    Today the most convenient way to find the information is using the Internet. However, more and more people are unable to use the Internet in proper way. Some people think that the information in the...

  57. Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world с переводом
    There are people who are convinced that financing scientific researches has a higher priority nowadays. While others believe that there are other more important spheres to finance first. As far as...

  58. Говорение. Задание 3. Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school
    You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences). Remember to say: what you like most about your...

  59. To follow a diet or not?
    To follow a diet or not? Nowadays people live in a busy world, in which they don’t have much time to do sports in order to keep fit. Therefore diets have taken off. Some people claim that following...

  60. Young people pay too much attention to fashion
    It goes without saying that people have different opinions about importance of fashion for people. Some people strongly believe that fashion is very important thing in life. Others suppose that...

  61. Show me your room and I will tell you who you are с переводом
    Some people believe they can judge a person by his room, while others claim that a room cannot indicate who you are. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue. I am certain that one can...

  62. Money is the most important thing in life
    Different people have different points of view and attitude to life. That is way some people are sure that the best things in life cannot be sold or bought, while others think that you can get them in...

  63. Travelling makes us wish to study languages
    Some people claim that journeys encourage people to learn languages, while others argue that travelling does not affect this desire. In this essay, I will try to express my point of view on this...

  64. Preparing for holidays is more fun than celebrating them
    Most people find celebrating holidays extremely enjoyable. However, others like preparing for the celebrations more. I would like to express my point of view on the subject. In my opinion,...

  65. Bookstores selling paper books will be soon the sign of the past
    It is populary believed that in nowadays came on line reading and maybe in future bookstores selling paper books will become rare. ... (начало есть на других сайтах, далее идет только уникальное...

  66. Искусство в нашей жизни\ Art in Our Life\ Искусство/ Art
    Artworks have been worshipped by people for more than thousands of years. Our ancient ancestors have left their drawings on the walls of the caves. Perhaps to take painting as the primitive and dull...

  67. Self-education is impossible without computer skills (демо-вариант 2019)
    It is common knowledge that self-education is becoming increasing popular among people of all ages. Some people are convinced that this process is impossible without using modern technology, while...

  68. Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad пример
    Nowadays there is a great number of people who believe that education in other countries is better than in their countries while others think that it is better to take an education in their native...

  69. Everyone should read about historical sites before visiting them
    Visiting historical sites is always an adventure, which most people are likely to be prepared to. Others hesitate: should everyone read about historical sites before visiting them? There are two...

  70. It's impossible to imagine our life without computers nowadays
    In this day and age we can see high technologies everywhere and computer is the main moving thing. Someone says that computers are not necessary nowadays and someone does not. Who is right? I tend...

  71. In any occupation discipline is more critical than talent
    One of the most controversial issues is if inborn capacities are more important in any activity than hard work. Some people believe so, while others are considered that consistent effort and practice...

  72. It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment. Правительство несет ответственность за защиту окружающей среды
    Nowadays the environmental problem is becoming more serious than ever before. Some people claim the government should solve this problem, while others think that only individuals are able to do it....

  73. Filmgoers should rely on reviews when choosing a film to see пример
    Nowadays many people think that they should watch reviews before choosing a film to see, while others believe that such short overviews are not necessary. I support the second opinion. Personally,...

  74. It is only beneficial that mass media shapes public opinion
    Nowadays mass media has a huge impact on people‘s opinions in different fields. Some people claim, that this influence is only beneficial, while others believe that it is not. I personally think...

  75. Movies and television influence people’s behavior. Фильмы и телевидение влияет на человеческое поведение
    Nowadays, the popularity of television and movies has grown dramatically. Some people believe that it affects that how people behave. Others claim that there are plenty of other factors influencing...

  76. Every city and every town should have a zoo essay
    Almost everyone adores going to the zoo no matter what age a person is. Some people claim that zoos should be built even in towns, while others claim that the number of zoos needs to be...

  77. My school day с переводом
    My name is Amy, and I'm in school. I like going to school and I really enjoy studying. We learn five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are the days off. My school day starts at 7 am. I get up and...

  78. some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money
    There are over 7000 languages spoken in the world. Nowadays many people are convinced that it is not worth wasting money on studying foreign language. Nevertheless, there are others who are against...

  79. Russian is easier than English (с переводом)
    There are a lot of languages in the world. Learning foreign languages is not very easy. Many people think that some languages are easier to learn than others. But our conversation is about the Russian...

  80. Lots of teenagers are keen on playing computer games. However adults are sure that computer games teach us nothing and young people should avoid them
    In our modern world, adults are increasingly noticing that we-teenagers spend a lot of time sitting at the game console or computer. One side of the parents argue that this is normal ,and the other...

  81. The unemployed should not receive state benefits
    Nowadays a great number of people do not have a job. Despite this fact they get money from a state every month. But is such practice as necessary as it seems to be? From my point of view, such people...

  82. The family is the school of duties, founded on love
    no hate or judgment. When the family member helps another in such atmosphere, in this way he contributes to development of personality. Also in the family there will be always support and...

  83. The Internet is the biggest evil of our time с переводом
    There is a great number of people who say that the Internet is the worst thing nowadays, while others consider it to be the greatest part of today’s life. In this essay, I will express my opinion on...

  84. 1. Should the government fund art? 2. Some people say that youth is the most wonderful period in a person’s life
    1. It is widely believed that the government should support art. However, other people argue that it is unnecessary to spend any budget money on art. The issue is quite controversial, so let us...

  85. Exams motivate student to study harder
    Exams are very important but stressful steps for any students. They require a lot of knowledge from a person. Are exams the reason of active learning? No doubt, it is one of the most obvious reasons...

  86. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter
    A person who knows foreign languages is supposed to be able to use his knowledge everywhere, for example, one may become a translator. However, I do not think so because one must get special education...

  87. The most important social problem of the modern world
    In the modern world all states face a lot of economic problems. Some of them are local, others are global. But economic problems are not the only difficulties that states have to overcome. Any...

  88. It is fine to be surrounded by a great number of siblings and cousins?
    A family is one of the most important parts of people`s life. There are two main types of families: extended and nuclear. It is an actual topic which type is better and is it fine or not to be...

  89. Online news sites are always factual, trustworthy sources of information с переводом
    More and more people read news online these days. Some people are inclined to believe that online resources are the best way to get news, while others claim that there are many other more trusting...

  90. Creative hobbies help to cope with stress example
    Having a hobby for free time can be one of the ways to deal with stress. Some people believe that it is essential to be busy in leisure time, whereas others prefer to have lazy activities. Whether a...

  91. Punishment never has any good effect
    People have been arguing about punishment. ... (начало есть на других сайтах, далее идет только уникальное продолжение) In the other opinion, the punishment is the only way to prevent new crimes....

  92. Some people think that having a computer at home will help their children to get a better education.
    Some people think that the computer is a useless thing which prevents children to study. However, there are a lot of people who are sure that the computers help their children to get a good education....

  93. The first book a child reads on his own influences his reading preferences
    The issue which has caused a lot of controversy over the past few years is preferring in reading. Somebody believes that the first book that a child reads on his own defines his taste in literature in...

  94. The life of animals in a zoo is safer and happier than in their natural habitat
    The issue of keeping animals in zoos is one of the most pressing problems in the modern world. While some people are convinced that zoos are dangerous and inappropriate for animals, others believe it...

  95. Every city and every town should have a zoo с переводом
    There is a great number of people who want to have a zoo in every city, while others say that there must be as fewer zoos as possible. In this essay, I would like to express my opinion on this...

  96. пример Digital literacy is a key to success in any occupation
    In the modern time technologies are developing faster and faster, and that is why some people are sure that the best way to achieve success in your occupation is to be digitally literate. But there is...

  97. Говорение. Задание 3. Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the place where you live
    You are going to give a talk about the place where you live. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences). Remember to say: what your city, town...

  98. Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenagers пример
    Reading is one of the most interesting entertainments for teenagers. Some people think that it is important for young people to reed books. Others claim that more and more teens do not take interest...

  99. Nature is my best hotel
    1. Nature is my best hotel. 2. Sleeping among strangers is not a problem. 3. A quiet place to stay becomes a favourite. 4. The best hotel is at the seaside. 5. Roadside...

  100. -Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning
    Nowadays, education plays a very big role in our lives. However, there is a dispute. Some people think that studying online is more beneficial than learning in regular classes, while others believe...

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