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Exams motivate student to study harder (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Exams are very important but stressful steps for any students. They require a lot of knowledge from a person. Are exams the reason of active learning? No doubt, it is one of the most obvious reasons

In my point of view, exams are a reasonable stimulus to study much. Firstly, the results of these exams are usually very important for future life. You can get a good mark and later you can need it. Secondly, preparation for exams is a complex revision of everything you know about this problem. So you just need to repeat all the material.(revise)

But there are people who oppose. In their point of view, exams are just a test which you need to pass. Moreover, you shouldn’t do something special to be ready for them.

I do not agree with them.

To begin with, exams are the most important stage in the student’s life. Sometimes it depends on them where and how you will study in the future. Besides, a good grade at exams is pleasant for a person. As for the second argument, I should say, that exams usually have special algorithm which you need to know to pass them. You need to spend a lot of time to learn this, and you will get more knowledge in this process.

As a conclusion, I would like to say that despite the criticism from some people, exams is really a good motivation to study hard. It can cheer you up and make your knowledge better. And I strongly believe that my arguments are more соnvincing.


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