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The most important social problem of the modern world (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the modern world all states face a lot of economic problems. Some of them are local, others are global. But economic problems are not the only difficulties that states have to overcome.

Any society has some social problems. The more the life of people changes, the more problems appear. Every person on the Earth knows about such cross-national troubles as overpopulation, inequality, terrorism, migration of millions from Middle East and Africa to EU countries.

One of the most important is an intervention of some countries in the affairs of others states. For example, the Ukrainians have become political game casualties of the USA and western countries. These states have enough power, money and armament to dictate their willon such a small and weak state as Ukraine.

Of course, the coup d'etat in Ukraine is not a singularity in the USA politics. Let us remember Panama, Honduras, China, Iraq, Cuba, Vietnam. America has been intervening in the affairs of more than 50 countries throughout 121 years. The US government even does not need any excuse to do it. It is questionable whether it would be the end of this ceaseless rush for leadership.

What are the usual results of the US intervention? They are many years dictatorships, instability, civil wars, economic regress.

Nowadays Russia is suffering from the sanctions that have been imposed by the USA and EU countries.

The USA is the greatest but not a single interventionist. A lot of other counties try to interfere in domestic affairs of their neighbours. The most common reason is election of authorities.

The problem of intervention in the affairs of other countries has always existed, but in these days it looms. The social problem is getting global and very dangerous.


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