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Many people think that we should explore space and visit other planets. However, some people say that space exploration is a waste of time and money (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

People have polar opinions on space exploration. Some of them think that it is necessary for humans to know as much as possible about space, while others believe that space exploration is useless.

Let us consider the matter from all possible angles. As for me, I am perfectly sure that modern world should not neglect the importance of space exploration. First and foremost, people need to know all about the world around them. The advance of science is impossible without the intense space exploration.

Moreover, in the future people might need a planet to live on, if the earth is inappropriate for life. To find a suitable planet, we must visit other planets.

But there are people who do not agree with this point of view. They claim, that it is unwise to waste time and money exploring space. Firstly, there are a lot os severe problems on earth, that take money and effort to solve. It is vital that people should focus on them.

Secondly, there are no planets is the solar system suitable for human life and the other galaxies are so far, that is impossible right now to explore them.

But I do not see eye to eye with these people. The earth is a part of universe and it is unreasonable to limit the scientific interest to our planet. Besides, science and technology are developing rapidly and new ways of space travel might soon appear.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that I am for the investment of money and knowledge into space exploration. There are more positive than negative aspects. But so many men, so many minds. Let us agree to differ.


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