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Doing sports is very essential for young people (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the problem of and importance of sport people's houses great argument and controversy. Some people think that people have to do support while others believe that it is important for them.

In my opinion, young people have to do sport. Firstly, sport is one of the most important thing which make us healthier,young people usually have enough time and strength for exercises and workouts. Secondly, sport build a strong character of people. Thirdly, sports are organise teenagers time.

However there exist another point of view on the issue some people think that sport does not make any sense in young people lives. First of all, it takes a lot of time which young people to use for important chores.

Secondly, not every person is interested in doing sport some people even have diseases which not allow to do any kind of sport.

Despite my respect for the opinion i cannot share it because simple workouts usually not take a lot of time: there are exercises for 5-10 minutes. Also, young people should not be necessary into some kind of sport, they could do a couple of workouts without huge pressure. Moreover, they are many alternatives for people who have diseases physiotherapy or healing gymnastic.

In conclusion i would like to say doing sport is one of the most important thing in young people's lives, it is marvelous opportunity to be healthy, have a good shape and build strong character.


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