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Distance learning will replace traditional classrooms (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about distance learning and the influence on traditional classrooms. Some people strongly believe that distance learning will really replace traditional classrooms. Others suppose that distance learning is better than traditional classrooms.

From my point of view, traditional classrooms are the best way for studying. Firstly, pupils and teachers can communicate with each other. For example, there is important thing in the process of studying. Secondly, children can find friends in their class and school. For instance, friends and communication are necessary for personal development. Finally, teachers can monitor students academic performance and discipline. If we look at the statistics, it is as necessary as different aspects of studying.

However, other people believe that computer learning is easier.

Students who study at home have more free time than usual pupils. Moreover, they could study with the Internet.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with them because there is a problem with the Internet connection when student learns online. Also, teachers will not be able to control the progress of their pupils.

In conclusion, I am completely convinced that distance learning never replace traditional classrooms because there are many problems with online studying.

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about distance learning and the influence on traditional classrooms. Some people strongly believe that distance learning will really replace traditional classrooms. Others suppose that distance learning is better than traditional classrooms.

From my point of view, traditional classrooms are the best way for studying. Firstly, pupils and teachers can communicate with each other. For example, there is important thing in the process of studying. Secondly, children can find friends in their class and school. For instance, friends and communication are necessary for personal development. Finally, teachers can monitor students academic performance and discipline. If we look at the statistics, it is as necessary as different aspects of studying.

However, other people believe that computer learning is easier. Students who study at home have more free time than usual pupils. Moreover, they could study with the Internet.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with them because there is a problem with the Internet connection when student learns online. Also, teachers will not be able to control the progress of their pupils.

In conclusion, I am completely convinced that distance learning never replace traditional classrooms because there are many problems with online studying.


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