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Making a good salary is more important than job satisfaction (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

A job is an ubiquitous part of our life. Nowadays some people claim that making a good salary is all that matters,while others believe that job satisfaction is more important than money. Let us examine each of these points in detail.

In my opinion, people had better concern about getting pleasure while working instead of caring about high salary. First and foremost, work is a daily routine and unless we want our life to turn into constant stress, we should be content with our job. Hence, the general level of happiness depends on satisfaction of the job. Moreover, being absorbed in your work implies sufficiency, career advancement and high salary as well.

I reckon it is quite possible to combine favorite job and high salary.

Anyhow, there are some opponents who insist that a high salary is a vital factor of the work and there is no need to be satisfied with a job. They gather that the higher salary you get, the more opportunities you have. In addition, they regard good salary as a chance to buy more things.

Despite my respect to their point of view, I do not really share their opinion. There is a great deal of truth in fact that high salary means a wide variety of financial opportunities. However, hardly can we be completely content with our life having all these expensive stuff. Enjoying the work you love makes our life better.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I am convinced that job satisfaction is more important than making a good salary. Money will not make the life joyful and bright, but work can do.


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