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A good teacher should always be strict and exacting (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that teachers should be demanding. Some people claim that is true whereas others argue that they should not be strict and exacting. It os often difficult to decide what kind of positions to take while there is a debate regarding the choice between the first or the second opinion. In this essay I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

Personally, I think that this statement is truth. To begin with, children can learn only in the good discipline. It means that the discipline, which is given by exacting teachers. It helps students to study. Moreover, only the strict person can give real knowledge. Students are more clever with severe teachers. Furthemore, the result of studies will be qualitative if students have demanding teachers.

However, opponents are convinced that children do not like the exacting teachers, so they do not try to study well.

These people believe that students feel bored theirselves in the boring lessons without fun.

I am afraid I can not agree with my opponents because children, despite of their loveless to the teacher, should study. Truelly enough, rigorous teachers control their students, so kids are not bored.

Taking all into account, I am certain that good teachers should be exacting. But it is a controversial issue, so it is up to a person whether to the first or the second idea.



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