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The issue of death penalty (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue of death penalty is a rather controversial topic. Some people think that murderers should be killed without hesitation by government whereas the others are convinced the opposite and think that by killing murderers, government appreciates or concedes the further murdering.

What concerns me, I think that people should initially get a second chance. To start with, it gives them an ability to reform and become sane and normal members of society again. Finally, in that case they have some time to think over what they have done and repent their mistakes.

Notwithstanding that, there is also an opposite opinion. Supporters of death penalty are sure that dangerous criminals should be killed immediately when caught or when the court sentenced appropriate verdict.

The first reason for this is that the likelihood of person's reforming is usually rather small, and, murdering once, the person may recur their villainies, but it would be far harder to catch them the second time. The second reason is concluded in that murderers are very dangerous persons and that government should give out an execution order and eliminate them as quick as possible for the sake of all country.

However, I personally think that government should act in circumstances: if killer person genuinely repents their sins, they should be given a second chance. But if they slaughtered bunches of people mercilessly, the death penalty should be executed immediately.

To sum up, I would like to say that death penalty for murderers is a difficult topic to discuss and that there are many opposite opinions about this and that every country should decide whether to add it or not for itself.


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